/ CSVA Daily Star Chart / Light Hunter: Kevin10 Light Hunter Words: On the last day of 2021, light chasers came to a snowy slope. The Milky Way with a diameter of 100,000 light-years spanned the sky, and the ancient light carried the universe. The memory came to the earth. As the

/ CSVA Daily Star Chart /

Light Hunter : Kevin10

Hunter Light Hunter Language : On the last day of 2021, the light chaser came to a snowy slope, and the Milky Way with a diameter of 100,000 light years spanned it. In the sky, the ancient light came to the earth with the memory of the universe. As the bell rang, he used the camera in his hand to record this scene that spanned time. The new year began...

Shooting date:

Check-in coordinates on January 1, 2022: Aba Prefecture in Western Sichuan

Equipment: Sony A7R Sony 20mm f1.8 G

Shooting parameters: Single shot of the sky part 30s iso1600 f1.8 Multiple stitching of landscape with the same parameters Multiple stitching

( "CSVA Daily Star Chart" is a daily updated column created by Starlink CSVA for all star friends. Submissions are welcome! Please click on the submission instructions: Carefully review the topic - "CSVA Daily Star Chart" submission instructions )

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