In this hot season, on July 15, the 4th Image Tianfu·City Short Video Competition officially kicked off in Chengdu. This competition was guided by the Propaganda Department of the Chengdu Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and supported by Chengdu Media Group and

2024/06/3013:32:32 beauty 1129

Every reporter: Ding Zhouyang Every editor: Liang Xiao

In this hot season, on July 15, the 4th Image Tianfu·City Short Video Competition officially kicked off in Chengdu. This competition was guided by the Propaganda Department of the Chengdu Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and supported by Chengdu Media Group and - DayDayNews

The cicadas chirp in the park for a long time in summer, and the hibiscus is reflected in Jinjiang River.

In this hot season, on July 15th, the 4th Image Tianfu·City Short Video Competition officially kicked off in Chengdu. This competition was guided by the Propaganda Department of the Chengdu Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, Chengdu Media Group , Chengdu Municipal Government Supported by radio and television stations. With the theme of "Discovering the Beauty of Chengdu",

, this competition sincerely invites high-quality creative photography institutions and individuals around the world to participate in this wonderful feast of light and shadow, and continue to enhance the new charm of Chengdu, a world-famous cultural city. In addition, this year the organizer will continue to implement the Tianfu Seed Project. We hope that more film and television institutions, creative photography teams, high-quality enterprises and high-quality photographers will join the Tianfu Seed Project, give full play to innovation and creativity, and fully tell the story of Chengdu. Deliver the voice of Chengdu and explain the charm of Tianfu culture.

Regarding the setting of the jury, in addition to inviting celebrities from the cultural, film, television, media and related industries to serve as professional judges based on the proposition of each group competition, this competition also specially invited the chairman of the China Film Foundation Zhang Pimin ; Chinese Film Ren Zhonglun, vice chairman of the Taiwan Film Association and chairman of the Shanghai Film Association; Bai Yicong, director of the Youth Working Committee of the China TV Drama Production Industry Association and famous director Bai Yicong, served as the final judges.

In this hot season, on July 15, the 4th Image Tianfu·City Short Video Competition officially kicked off in Chengdu. This competition was guided by the Propaganda Department of the Chengdu Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and supported by Chengdu Media Group and - DayDayNews

The launch ceremony of the 4th Tianfu Urban Short Video Competition

Picture source: Photographed by Zhang Jianjing

Create Tianfu Image

"Chengdu is an ancient capital with thousands of years of history, and it is also a city full of vitality and youth." Zhang Pimin at the launch Ceremony speech, "As a new communication tool, short videos are in line with the current public viewing habits. Urban short videos of different styles and themes show a very exciting aspect to the outside world. I believe that the high-quality short videos born from them will It will become a cultural bridge for communication between Chengdu and the world."

In this hot season, on July 15, the 4th Image Tianfu·City Short Video Competition officially kicked off in Chengdu. This competition was guided by the Propaganda Department of the Chengdu Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and supported by Chengdu Media Group and - DayDayNews

Zhang Pimin, Chairman of the China Film Foundation

Photo source: Photographed by reporter Zhang Jian

As the final judge of the competition, Ren Zhonglun raised his expectations for this year's works at the scene. In his view, the competition promotes true source life rather than fiction or imagination; telling luminous stories rather than expressing other themes; and stories that are relatively complete rather than fragmentary or illogical. In fact, it is to advocate the use of new ideas and new creations to write new life and new characters in this city.

In this hot season, on July 15, the 4th Image Tianfu·City Short Video Competition officially kicked off in Chengdu. This competition was guided by the Propaganda Department of the Chengdu Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and supported by Chengdu Media Group and - DayDayNews

Vice Chairman of the Chinese Filmmakers Association and Chairman of the Shanghai Filmmakers Association Ren Zhonglun

Photo source: Photographed by Zhang Jian, a reporter from Every Journal

"Imaging Tianfu is actually creating images of Tianfu. It is to use images to record or express the land of Tianfu - Chengdu. This is a new A new expression of the times. Since 2019, the reason why Image Tianfu has become the longest-lasting, most influential, and fastest-growing imaging competition is from this,” said Ren Zhonglun.

In this hot season, on July 15, the 4th Image Tianfu·City Short Video Competition officially kicked off in Chengdu. This competition was guided by the Propaganda Department of the Chengdu Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and supported by Chengdu Media Group and - DayDayNews

Wang Bin, Chairman of Sichuan Ruifu Shixi Culture Communication Co., Ltd. (participant in the previous short video creation competition) shared

Picture source: Photographed by reporter Zhang Jian

According to Wen Da, chairman and editor-in-chief of Daily Economic News , In the past three years, I have harvested many wonderful works, such as "How to Keep a Person in Chengdu", "Chunchuan", "Chengdu Business Travel Notebook" and many other highly popular and popular works. "The number of entries we have received continues to hit new highs. Today we released the competition brand VI system to carefully shape the brand benchmark and further optimize the track. At the same time, we have added a fashion and sports competition unit and an animation competition unit to encourage contestants to create More diversified works. "

The big opportunity for short videos

At present, what kind of entertainment is the hottest and most popular? There is no doubt that it is a short video. Zhang Yi, CEO of iiMedia Consulting Group, analyzed the latest short video industry development report at the scene: Judging from the scale of short video users, it has reached almost all Chinese mobile phone netizens. "Nowadays, the content and form of short videos are diversified. It is a huge opportunity for a large number of UGC users. Especially in the vertical field, there will be a lot of room for creation.In the past two years, there have been many short videos with rural themes, antique themes, and cultural themes that have been very popular among netizens. "

In this hot season, on July 15, the 4th Image Tianfu·City Short Video Competition officially kicked off in Chengdu. This competition was guided by the Propaganda Department of the Chengdu Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and supported by Chengdu Media Group and - DayDayNews

iiMedia Consulting Group CEO Zhang Yi

Picture source: Photographed by reporter Zhang Jian

The famous producer, director, and screenwriter Bai Yicong came to Chengdu from the Hengdian shooting scene to witness the launch ceremony. See today's hot short video He couldn't help but sigh: "Short videos will become very important and will become a very good experience for many practitioners when they first enter this industry. "

In this hot season, on July 15, the 4th Image Tianfu·City Short Video Competition officially kicked off in Chengdu. This competition was guided by the Propaganda Department of the Chengdu Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and supported by Chengdu Media Group and - DayDayNews

Famous producer, director, screenwriter Bai Yicong

Photo source: Photographed by Zhang Jianjing

As a representative of the competition's creators, Li Shujie, founder and CEO of Al Square, shared her feelings: "Everything must be done. Think from the perspective of the audience or user viewer; you must dig out the point in your heart that feels particularly bright and you are particularly proud to speak out to be creative; the third principle is to consider commercialization. "

html On July 15th, the 4th Creative Photography Competition started again, with the theme of "Discovering the Beauty of Chengdu", collecting short video creative works from home and abroad. We hope that short video trendsetters who love creation can record them with the lens in their hands. The beauty of Chengdu through the eyes. The competition’s collection of topics and submission channels will be opened to photographers from all over the world (registration channel: After collection of works, preliminary selection, After the group stage and final evaluation, the final prize will be selected at the end of December

Daily Economic News

Daily Economic News


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