China Daily, July 14 (Reporter Lu Zhongqiu) On July 14, sponsored by China Daily, Library Society of China, China Pictorial Press, and Capital Library, and co-organized by Bank of China,, and Canon (China) "Hundred Photographers Focus on the Ice and Snow Olympics" photo na

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China Daily, July 14 (Reporter Lu Zhongqiu) On July 14, it was hosted by China Daily , China Library Society , China Pictorial Press , Capital Library , and Bank of China The "Hundred Photographers Focus on the Ice and Snow Olympics" photo national tour exhibition co-organized by ,, and Canon (China) was launched at the Wenzhou City Library in Zhejiang Province.

In 2022, China overcame the impact of the epidemic, fully fulfilled its commitment to hosting the Olympics, and successfully held a simple, safe, and exciting Winter Olympics. It made new contributions to the global Olympic cause and won widespread praise from the international community. The glory and dreams, friendship and unity carried by competitive sports are gathered in Beijing, the first "Double Olympic City" in history. Athletes from all over the world respect each other, encourage each other, break through limits, and surpass themselves, playing the "Faster, Higher" , stronger - more united" is the strong voice of the times.

In order to record the latest practice of the original intention and purpose of the Olympic movement, and to show the warmth and hope, peace and friendship embodied in the event, China Daily took advantage of the "100 Photographers Focus" project and launched the "100 Photographers Focus" in conjunction with China Pictorial Publishing House. Focus on the Ice and Snow Olympics" picture album. The album contains a total of 280 works by 198 photographers, starting from July 2015 when Beijing won the right to host the 24th Winter Olympics, and ending with the closing ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics in February 2022. Also included are unforgettable moments from the Beijing Winter Paralympics. From these pictures, readers can see the charm of sportsmanship contained in the wonderful performances of athletes at home and abroad. The heroic efforts of Winter Paralympians show the light of human beings who are constantly improving. The happy moments of "300 million people participating in ice and snow sports" are presented The image of China that is sunny, open and full of hope...

This exhibition will last until August 28.

China Daily, July 14 (Reporter Lu Zhongqiu) On July 14, sponsored by China Daily, Library Society of China, China Pictorial Press, and Capital Library, and co-organized by Bank of China,, and Canon (China)

"Hundred Photographers Focus on the Ice and Snow Olympics" photo national tour was launched at the Wenzhou City Library in Zhejiang Province Photography: Zeng Haining

China Daily, July 14 (Reporter Lu Zhongqiu) On July 14, sponsored by China Daily, Library Society of China, China Pictorial Press, and Capital Library, and co-organized by Bank of China,, and Canon (China)

Audiences visited the exhibition Photography: Zeng Haining

[Hundred Photographers Focus on the Ice and Snow Olympics] China Daily Readers Club

(Photo author authorized Agree to use by China Daily Network)

Source: China Daily Network

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