From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th, "super moons" appeared in various places in Guizhou. Photographers used their lenses to focus and captured excellent photos from different angles. The big full moon rose high like a silver plate, which was very beauti

2024/06/2214:21:33 beauty 1781

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th

" Super Moon" appeared across Guizhou

Photographers used their lenses to focus

and captured excellent photos from different angles

The big full moon rose high

It was like a silver plate

It was very beautiful

is coming!

Enjoy the moon together

Guiyang· Nanming

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

Photo by Wang Bo

Zunyi· Banzhou

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,


Photo by Zhu Jin

Tongren· Yuping

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

Photo by Hu Panxue

Bijie· Qixing off

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

Chen Xi Photo by Han Xianpu Wenjie

Zunyi · Renhuai

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

Photo by Chen Yong


From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

Photo by Zhang Liangjing

Southeast Guizhou·Kaili

pdf Liupanshui·Liuzhi

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

Photo by Wang Fei

Bijie· High-tech Zone

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

Photo by Wan Piaoyang


From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

Photo by Zhang Enxin

Qiandongnan· Shi Bing

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

Feng Li photo

Qiandongnan· Cen Gong

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,


Photo by Yang Qizhi

Tongren· Wanshan

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

Photo by Ye Shunqiang

Qiannan ·Duyun

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

From the night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th,

Photo by Xiao Wei

Knowledge link——

Super moon refers to the full moon at "perigee". At 17:06 on July 13 this year, the moon moved to the closest "perigee" to the earth in the whole year, which was only 357,372 kilometers. At this time, the moon's apparent diameter was the largest; at 2:38 on the 14th (looking), the moon, the earth and The sun is aligned approximately in a straight line, and the moon is at its roundest at this time. The apparent diameter of the moon reaches 33.7 arcminutes, which is larger than the apparent diameter of the sun in the entire year. Moon viewing has high weather requirements, and is especially susceptible to cloud cover. Whether you can see the "super moon" depends on whether the local weather is good.

"Super Moons" are not uncommon, ranging from one or two to three or four times a year.There are two "super moons" this year. The first is the full moon on June 14, with an apparent diameter of 33'24". The visible moment occurs at 19:52, and the moon passes perigee on June 15. At 7:23, the difference between the two is less than 12 hours; the second time is the full moon on July 14, with an apparent diameter of 33′35″. The visible moment occurs at 2:38 on the 14th, when the moon passes perigee. The time is at 17:06 on July 13, and the difference between the two is less than 10 hours, so this full moon becomes the "biggest full moon" of the year.

Source Guizhou Picture Library

Planning Guizhou Picture Library Editorial Department

Editor Qiu Sheng Hu Rui

Intern editor Chen Ke

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