It is common for babies to spit up milk, but this situation can cause suffocation! Mother must pay attention

Although it is very common for babies to spit up, parents should not be sloppy. They should also pay attention to observation when spitting up. If the color and character of the spit up milk change, it must be paid attention to.

Taking care of a small baby is very hard. In fact, the baby should be hiccuped correctly after the baby is feeding, so as to reduce the frequency of vomiting.

Neonatal vomiting occurs mostly in 0~6 months, the most common in the first 3 months, the reasons for neonatal vomiting are mostly the following:

宝宝The gastric cardia is not fully developed

The stomach has two doors, one is the cardia connected to the esophagus, which is the entrance of the stomach; the other is the pylorus connected to the intestine, which is the exit of the stomach. Because the baby's cardia between the esophagus and the stomach has not yet matured, the remaining mucous membranes in the body have to be discharged to cause vomiting. Just wait for the baby to be older.

Eat too full

All mothers are afraid that the baby will not be full, so as long as the baby does not let go, try to let the baby eat. In fact, many times the baby sucks to satisfy the psychology. If you accidentally eat too much, what should I do if I eat too much? If the stomach is uncomfortable, I will vomit some naturally.

So you should feed on demand, not too much too often, so as not to spit up milk due to full stomach.

inhaled air

When the baby finishes drinking milk, the lower part of the stomach is filled with milk and the upper part is filled with air, so it will cause pressure on the stomach, causing milk overflow and spitting up.

After feeding, burp the baby in time. Let the baby concentrate on feeding. If the baby is distracted or irritable, he may swallow air while feeding and spit up milk is more likely to occur.

After feeding the baby, the baby’s belly is pressed

After feeding the baby, the mother will change the position to hold the baby, or tease the baby, sometimes it will squeeze the baby’s belly and cause spitting up .

It is best to keep the baby sitting or holding the posture for a period of time after drinking milk. Do not let the baby turn over immediately and cause spitting up.

Feeding too fast can cause spitting up

Feeding too fast can also cause loss of regular swallowing, causing stomach discomfort and causing spitting up.

Moms must control the speed at which the baby drinks milk. If it is breast milk, press it up and down with two fingers to slow down the speed of feeding. If it is bottle feeding, replace the pacifier. The mouth of the pacifier should be opened properly. is too big.

The feeding posture is wrong

The feeding posture will cause the baby to spit up milk. The best feeding posture is: tilt the baby's body at 45 degrees. Do not lie down immediately after feeding. You can sit in the original posture for a while, then Burp your baby. If spitting up occurs when lying on the back, the spit-out milk is easily inhaled into the nasal cavity or even the trachea. In mild cases, it may cause pneumonia, and in severe cases, respiratory tract suffocation may occur.

sickness can cause spitting up of milk

If the baby is sick, the digestive function of the stomach and intestines becomes weak, and the stomach will automatically exclude excess milk to reduce the burden of digestion.

Neonatal milk spilling and vomiting are mostly normal physiological phenomena, which will gradually improve with the growth and development of the baby. Therefore, mothers do not need to be too nervous, usually remember the above points and take preventive measures. But if the baby vomits more frequently or the symptoms are more serious, you need to take him to the hospital in time to rule out the disease factors.

However, if these symptoms occur, attention should be paid to

The baby’s weight gain has not reached the standard;

spit out yellow-green, brown, red, etc. Colored liquid;

very violent spitting up (increased frequency and volume of spitting up, even spitting up milk in a jet);

accompanied by fever, diarrhea and other symptoms;

bad mental state;

What is the difference between spitting and spilled milk?

Spitting milk and overflowing milk have different meanings, and the reasons and treatment methods are also different. The amount of spitting up is relatively large, which can occur shortly or half an hour after feeding, while the amount of spilled milk is small. It usually occurs just after the milk is eaten, and usually stops after one or two spitting.

Spilled milk is mostly caused by the baby sucking in air while feeding. After the air enters the stomach, the air is lighter than the liquid and is located above it. It is easy to rush out of the cardia. At the same time, it also brings out some milk, which causes milk overflow. Therefore, when breastfeeding, the child’s mouth should be wrapped around the entire nipple, and no gaps should be left to prevent air from getting in. When feeding with a bottle, the milk should also be completely filled with the nipple. Don't be afraid that the milk is too flush and only half of the nipple, so that it is easy to inhale air.

After feeding the baby, burp the baby so that the sucked air can escape. After breastfeeding, when picking up and putting down the baby, move lightly and move less. If the shaking is too severe, it is easy to overflow or spit up milk. The amount of overflowing milk is generally small and will not have much impact on the growth and development of the child. As the age of the month grows, it will naturally be better.