Why does the hospital keep footprints when a baby is born? The doctor will not tell you, parents must know

Each of our lives starts from the ground, and every parent is preparing for this moment of their children. Of course, when a baby is born, it is not only the parents but also the medical staff who make preparations. Many things are done when the baby is born, such as keeping footprints. Many parents don’t know why the hospital keeps the baby. footprint. If you do not take the initiative to ask, most doctors will not take the initiative to tell you, but parents have to know something in their hearts.

The most direct reason parents can think of is to mark the birth of the child. Every person is an independent individual, is different from other people in our body. Fingerprint is one of the marks that distinguishes us from others. The same is true for babies, but for newborn babies. Said that the degree of development of the palm of is not completely , and there is no clear fingerprint. In contrast, the fingerprints on the feet are more obvious and can be collected.

Moreover, many people will find that when a child is born, the hands are clenched and it is difficult to separate. If the child is separated forcibly, it will cause damage to the child’s bones. This is also not to collect the child. The reason for fingerprints. Therefore, the hospital will collect the baby's footprints. After these footprints are collected, they will stay in the hospital.

In addition to this reason, there are other reasons why the hospital leaves footprints for the child:

1, to avoid the child being held wrong

In many film and television works, there will be children being held wrong. In real life, there are many such accidents, whether intentional or unintentional, they will cause harm to the family.

When the child is just born, it is with other children. There is no obvious difference . Parents have less time to see the child when the child is born. It is also difficult to remember and distinguish immediately. This will Cause the hidden danger of being wrongly held. Therefore, the hospital leaves footprints on the child to be able to accurately distinguish which family’s child it is and to avoid the child being held by mistake.

2, in order to commemorate the birth of a child

Every baby born in this world is a new beginning and the beginning of life for them, This is a memorable day. When a child is first born, there is nothing superfluous and can be left behind, and collecting a child's footprint is something that every child can do, and there is no harm to the child. When it is shown to the child after the child grows up, it will also arouse the child's thoughts. This is a very meaningful thing.

The birth of a life is not only for parents, but also an important thing for the hospital. The scene of life is one of the scenes that people are most willing to see. At this time, parents It just needs to wait, and the doctors and nurses in the hospital are the busiest. In addition to collecting the baby's footprints, he has a lot to do:

1. Wash the baby's body

When the baby is born, it is not very clean. There will be a lot of blood stains, fetal fat, body fluid and so on on the baby's body. These substances have an impact on the baby's health after birth. Therefore, it is necessary Clean it up. After cleaning up the baby, you can meet your parents.

2. Measure data related to the baby

In the baby’s file, there will be a lot of data about the baby, such as the baby’s height and weight, etc., from the baby’s data , The doctor can evaluate the baby’s health , find the baby’s problems, and promptly report to the parents and make corresponding countermeasures.

3. Give the baby an injection

Vaccination is available when everyone is born, and many people can find all kinds of them at home. Proof of vaccination. After the baby is born, The body’s immunity is not fully developed, and it is easy to be infected with various diseases. Vaccination can help babies avoid infections. Therefore, after the baby is born, the hospital will arrange for the baby to be vaccinated to protect the baby's health.

4. Collect blood for the baby

Through the blood test, you can see whether a person is healthy, and the same is true for the baby. The newborn baby’s immune system is defective, It will make them susceptible to diseases and many unhealthy reactions will be reflected in the blood. Generally speaking, the blood will be collected at the heel of the baby. When the baby is born, the blood vessels on the hand are not obvious, it is difficult to collect blood, and it is easier to collect blood at the heel.

5. Check the baby’s senses

There are many babies with congenital body defects, which have defects in the senses, such as vision, hearing, and smell Wait a minute. The doctor will determine whether the baby is responding by stimulating the baby's senses. If it is, it is a normal baby. If it is not, or if the response is abnormal, the baby should be arranged for treatment in time.

Babies are fragile and easily injured. A little influence from the outside world may be a threat to the baby. The healthy growth of the baby requires the efforts of parents and people around it. This is not only for your own children, but also for The future of this society.