A kindergarten in Ning'an City, Heilongjiang Province. It became famous online for its lunch. Not only the children love to eat. Netizens are so greedy that they want to eat. A netizen said: "At the age of 30, can I still go to kindergarten?"


A kindergarten in Ning'an City, Heilongjiang Province

has become popular on the Internet for its lunch

Not only children like to eat

Netizens are so greedy that they want to eat


Beggar's chicken , cheese beef rolls, garlic scallops ...

It’s not surprising that these dishes appear in restaurants

But such "hard dishes"

are actually the lunches of kindergarten children?

After the kindergarten posted a lunch video,

received more than 500,000 likes.

Netizens said:

"I am 30 years old, can I still go to kindergarten?"

Netizens must have cried when they saw the comments

In the video

The kitchen of this kindergarten is not only clean and tidy

, but the dishes are also complete in variety,

and neatly arranged.

But how does it taste?

Reporter: Do you think the school food is delicious?

kid: It’s delicious.

reporter: What is your favorite food?

children: Guobaorou.




This is a private kindergarten. Currently, there are 7 back-office canteen staff to take care of the lives of 300 children in the kindergarten. The children’s repeated praises also make parents very satisfied with the kindergarten’s meals.

Parent Wang Lin

Our children have been attending kindergarten here for more than 4 years. Usually the teacher will post some short videos of classes and meals during class. The food in this kindergarten is particularly good, so we parents can rest assured.

Parent Deng Xukun

When the child came home, he said, "Mom, I really like to eat the minced chicken cake from the kindergarten. Can you make it for me too when you get home?" I said my mother didn’t know how to do it, and she wanted to ask my uncle in the kindergarten for advice. The editor of

once said that

a kindergarten's meals became popular on the Internet. This is quite accidental, but it also seems inevitable. Judging from the video, the kitchen of this kindergarten is not only clean and tidy, but the dishes are also full of colors and neatly stacked, and they look delicious and delicious. Not only did it make netizens cry, but it also cured thousands of netizens' obsessive-compulsive disorder. There is only one reason why it can receive praise from netizens, that is, the kindergarten sincerely takes the children's health and feelings into consideration, and makes the dishes rich and colorful to satisfy the children and reassure the parents. Other kindergartens must also work hard to do a good job in education and make food more delicious and safer. Of course, you don’t have to follow others to become an Internet celebrity kindergarten. As long as parents are satisfied and the children are happy, it is the greatest praise for the kindergarten. No amount of likes from netizens can compare with the sincere praise of parents and children. Returning to the essence of education, in fact, in everything we do, we should bring out this craftsmanship and pass on this spirit to teach children to be loyal to one thing throughout their lives, to do one thing throughout their lives, and to focus on one thing throughout their lives. That's enough.

News Night Flight Reporters: Jia Minglei, Lu Yixiang, Liu Bing

Source: Heilongjiang Radio and Television Station