Among them, the statements that "eating 3 preserved eggs a day can guarantee the birth of a boy" and "rinsing the vaginal opening with soda water can give birth to a boy" have been recognized by many people. They are simply off the mark!

With the gradual opening up of the two-child and three-child policy, many couples who want to have both children are asking for tips on how to give birth to a boy or a girl. Among them, the statements that "eating 3 preserved eggs a day can guarantee the birth of a boy" and "rinsing the vaginal opening with soda water can give birth to a boy" have been recognized by many people, which is simply off the mark!

Although preserved eggs have certain nutritional value, However, because preserved eggs are made by mixing soda ash , lime salt and lead oxide , and then wrapping duck eggs or eggs and pickling them, preserved eggs contain lead, and it is not recommended to eat them excessively for a long time. Excessive consumption of preserved eggs will lead to excessive lead content in the human body, weakening the ability to absorb minerals, and may lead to iron deficiency and zinc deficiency, thus causing anemia symptoms, such as dizziness, pale complexion, fatigue, heart palpitations wait. Do not rinse the vaginal opening with soda water arbitrarily. Long-term use of soda water to rinse the vaginal opening will cause a comprehensive acid-base reaction, which will destroy the normal vaginal environment and increase the probability of vaginal infection. Vaginal infection will directly affect fertility and may A small loss outweighs the gain!

If you want to have a boy, couples can use the characteristics of X sperm and Y sperm during pregnancy preparation to carry out targeted pregnancy preparation and increase the chance of giving birth to a boy.

Studies have shown that male sperm carrying Y chromosome prefer an alkaline environment. In an alkaline environment, Y sperm will be more energetic than X sperm and will be easier to combine with the egg, so the chance of giving birth to a boy will be greatly increased. Then when women are preparing for pregnancy, they can use food or highly targeted pregnancy products to regulate their alkaline constitution , enhance the vitality of Y sperm, and allow it to combine with the egg more quickly.

In their daily diet, women can eat more foods such as rapeseed, spinach, winter melon, cucumber, carrot, yam, onion, as well as alkaline fruits such as banana, kiwi fruit , persimmon, mulberry, orange, and apple. . However, food supplements can only help regulate an alkaline body, because the effects are too slow. If you want to regulate an alkaline body, it is recommended to supplement nutrients extracted from high-alkaline foods. For example, probiotics are purified and extracted from a variety of high-alkaline foods. The content and formula are developed based on the constitution of the Chinese people and are very targeted, so you don’t have to worry about side effects after taking it!

In short, it is not wrong to want to have a boy or a girl, but you must use scientific methods to prepare for pregnancy. Do not listen to rumors such as "Eating more preserved eggs every day can give birth to a boy" or "rinsing the vaginal opening with soda water can give birth to a boy". This unreliable approach will not only harm the body, but in serious cases, it may also cause difficulties. Pregnant!