Introduction: In Chinese-style education, parents’ love is selfless and they try to satisfy their children no matter what their requirements are. However, in their old age, they do not receive the same or even a small part of the return. How pitiful a child who is ungrateful must


In Chinese-style education, parents' love is selfless, and they will try their best to satisfy their children no matter what their requirements are. However, in their old age, they do not receive the same or even a small part of the return. How pitiful a child who is ungrateful must be!


A year ago, I saw such a case on the Internet. A 46-year-old Wang watched helplessly as his elderly father died of illness at home. He remained indifferent and ignored for several days after his death.

His father has only one son, who provides him with food, clothing, education, and work. My son has always had a smooth life.

However, due to a serious illness in recent years, his health has become worse and worse, and he needs someone to take care of him. His wife has passed away long ago, but he did not want to trouble his son, so he did not tell him, and his son ignored him.

Recently, because my son was unemployed and could not afford the rent, he thought of going back to live with his father.

But the two of them live together, and the son only does his own things: go out to walk the dog, stay up late playing games, and eat by himself. He didn't ask about his father at all.

Even later, my father accidentally fell in the community and became even weaker. After being helped back, he couldn't get out of bed. He begged his son to help him go to the toilet, but his son didn't care.

Until the last few days of his life, he could only look at the ceiling lonely and hopelessly, and passed away quietly.

Even the son did not take care of the funeral arrangements and allowed the body to rot. This kind of indifference makes people scared; this kind of indifference makes people feel cold.

Finally, the Songjiang Court ruled that Wang's refusal to support his old father who was unable to take care of himself constituted the crime of abandonment and was sentenced to one year and three months in prison.

How pathetic it must be for people who are ungrateful and indifferent to feelings!

Parents have worked hard to raise their children and have given so much selflessly, but what they get in return is this. This ending is really sad!


I think of my grandmother, who has worked hard and dedicated her whole life for her children. But my uncle treated her extremely badly.

Grandma was still taking care of her uncle's daughter when she was old. As a result, her uncle only gave grandma a small amount of living expenses every month, and grandma had to pay for the extra money herself.

Taking care of a child is a tiring task in itself. He usually doesn't pay much attention to the child. Everything about the child requires grandma to take care of it.

Children especially love running and playing. Grandma is very old and cannot catch up, but she is worried about the children bumping into each other.

Once, my little sister fell down because she was naughty. As a result, my uncle blamed grandma indiscriminately. I couldn't stand it anymore, so I just yelled at him. He was speechless.

Some time before my grandma passed away, I was still thinking about making clothes for my uncle’s second unborn child, and I was worried that no one would help take care of the child.

She spent her whole life worrying about this and that, but her selfless dedication did not receive much gratitude from my uncle.

Fortunately, her other children are very filial. Whether they are sick or at other times, although they do not live together, they will greet her from time to time and provide some subsidies.


In fact, what causes this sad phenomenon is that the children have big problems and the parents also have educational problems.

Among her children, grandma doted on my uncle the most, which made my uncle the most unreliable and the least grateful person.

We have been taught that the love of parents is selfless, great, and worthy of praise. But what we need to understand more is that they give us life and let us grow up healthily, which is our greatest blessing. We need to be grateful and do something to be grateful for.

Parents must learn to trouble their children, starting from the time when the children are young. Educating children to be grateful is also the most important thing in raising children.

once saw such a story. Both mother and child like to eat fish, but in order to make the child eat more, the mother lied to the child that she did not like to eat fish and liked to eat fish heads.

So the child was very happy. Every time he ate fish, he would give the fish meat to himself and the fish head to his mother. In fact, the child also loves his mother very much, but the mother gives him a wrong idea and sacrifices his own hobbies to fulfill the child's hobbies.

This kind of "sacrificial education" cannot have a positive impact.

In the end, this child does not know how to be grateful, but feels that his mother's contribution is taken for granted.

In fact, if the mother tells the child from the beginning: "I also like to eat fish, let's eat together, okay?" This kind of shared fun is probably better than letting the child eat an extra piece of fish.


As a parent, sometimes you can also talk about your own hardships, so that your children can understand how to be considerate of others and ask your children to help with some things. This also allows your children to have empathy and understand hardship.

Only in this way can children know how to be grateful, learn to be grateful, and put "gratitude" into practice to be filial to their parents.