Blood grouping is a method of classifying blood, usually referring to the typing of red blood cells. It is based on whether there are certain heritable antigenic substances on the surface of red blood cells. There are 30 blood group systems that have been discovered and recognize

Blood type is a method of classifying blood. It usually refers to the classification of red blood cells . It is based on whether there are some heritable antigenic substances on the surface of red blood cells. The blood group system has been discovered and recognized by the International Society of Blood Transfusion. There are 30 There are two types of blood types, the two most important of which are "ABO blood group system" and "Rh blood group system ".

There are currently 4 common blood types, namely: A type, B type , AB type and O type . In addition, there are rh negative and rh positive . Since rh negative blood is relatively rare, so Also known as " panda blood ".

blood type is controlled by the genetic gene . People have always been very interested in blood types. Some people think that people with different blood types are different in many aspects. Some experts also propose a relationship between a child's IQ and blood type. This It is also what everyone is most concerned about.

So does blood type affect IQ? Among the four common blood types, which blood type is more outstanding for babies? Let's take a look together.

Does blood type affect IQ?

Research and surveys have shown that there is a certain relationship between a child's intelligence level and the mother's blood type. According to the child's different blood types, the laboratory also conducted experiments and found that children with different blood types have different IQs.

Ranking of these four high-IQ blood types, where does your child rank?

First place: AB blood type

People with AB blood type combine the advantages of type A blood and B blood type into one. Therefore, people with type AB blood show high IQ.

AB blood type people have a more flexible way of thinking. In the old saying, this person has a very flexible mind, learns things quickly, and can quickly discover the similarities and differences between things, and quickly act on them. react.

Second place: Blood type A

People with type A blood are highly focused and organized. This can be seen from small details such as eating and playing games. Such children will not be too busy in life or study. Make parents worry.

In addition, people with type A blood think very rigorously and are extremely decisive in situations. They are passionate about life and serious about learning. The more famous figure is undoubtedly Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Third place: O blood

1 Type O blood is also called a universal blood transfusion in the clinical medicine world. The blood circulation is relatively smooth, so it is rare to suffer from cardiovascular-related diseases. If the child has type O blood, it is generally necessary to study They are all relatively good, know how to observe words and emotions, and will keep working hard for their goals.

In addition, children with type O blood will show signs of intelligence when they are young, with strong imitation ability, calm personality, and perfect adaptability. They will not panic when encountering difficulties and can quickly find ways to deal with them.

Fourth place: Type B blood

Type B blood has the worst learning ability among the four common blood types. This basis is only applicable to individual people and does not mean that all people with type B blood are not quick in thinking.

Among the four blood types, people with this blood type like to get along with others the most, because they are lively and cheerful, with pure emotions, and are deeply loved by people. Parents of children with blood type

can improve their children's IQ and EQ through prior thinking development and acquired ideological education, and let their children do more interesting things to develop their brains.

A child's success does not only depend on IQ. When each child is born, he is actually like a blank piece of paper. They all have promising futures. Whether they can become talents has a lot to do with the training of their parents and the education of the school. So no matter which blood type you have, hard work is the most important thing.

Reading extension: How to develop children's intelligence?

Play games

often play games with children, such as right brain exercise, memory improvement, color discrimination, outdoor games, etc., so that children can learn, imagine and grow in games. Games not only bring benefits to children Happy and can effectively develop their intelligence.

Cultivate children's speaking and reading abilities

For children, strengthening the training of children's language and reading abilities from an early age can not only promote the development of children's language abilities, communicative abilities, and self-expression abilities, but also promote children's good personality. Formation.

Hug your children often and get close to them

Research shows that children who lack hugs in infancy tend to cry, are prone to illness, and are easily irritable. Children who are often close to their parents will have much better psychological quality than children who lack these.

Our close behavior with our children and the emotional connection we establish with our children through these behaviors will make children feel happy. These behaviors can effectively promote children's brain development.


There are two peak periods for the secretion of growth hormone in babies, one is 10:00-2:00 in the evening, and the other is 5:00-7:00 in the morning.

Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the baby gets enough sleep. Only when the brain is fully rested can growth hormone be effectively secreted and intelligence level improved.