I believe many people will have an anxiety, worrying that after having a second child, the two children will compete with each other for favor, and they cannot be equal to each other. But in fact, as long as parents can try their best to love every child, the children themselves

I believe that many people will have an anxiety. They are worried that after giving birth to a second child, the two children will compete with each other for favor, and they cannot be equal to each other. But in fact, as long as parents can try their best to love every child, the children themselves will understand what love is.

Recently, a mother in Yibin, Sichuan, turned on the surveillance camera to see what her two children were doing because of the sudden change in the weather. What she did not expect was a scene that moved her deeply. The original video showed that the siblings were playing at the door. When a strong wind suddenly blew, the younger brother was still walking outside. When the 4-year-old sister saw it, she quickly ran behind her brother and hugged him.

This mother said that her sister usually likes to "bully" her younger brother, but after seeing this scene, she realized that her sister also likes her younger brother very much. After self-reflection, she felt that she should have paid more attention to her younger brother when he was around, so her sister deliberately bullied her younger brother to "compete for favor". She will also pay attention to this aspect in the future.

Netizens are also talking about this:

"My daughter usually bullies her younger brother. Once, the child's grandmother saw that the child had disappeared. My daughter was so anxious that she burst into tears."

"When she was a child, she had a fight with her brother. My parents always scolded him, and he always said: If my parents are not at home, I will deal with you! But he will fight with anyone who dares to bully me. "

" The siblings can just fight at home, but in the house. If someone outside wants to bully another, the other will definitely help, because this is blood relationship. "

In fact, whether the relationship between siblings is good or bad has a lot to do with the education of the parents. Parents' contempt and preference will not only cause harm to their children, but will also have a profound impact on the friendship between siblings. Therefore, some parents are worried about whether their children will be harmonious when they grow up. In fact, they should think more about whether they can keep a bowl of water balanced.

What do you think?