Editor Search Pictures The age of 12 is a critical period for adolescent growth and progress. Adolescents and children during this period are likely to grow and develop rapidly, so calcium supplementation is very important. Since calcium can promote the growth and development of

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The age of 12 is a critical period for the growth and progress of teenagers. Adolescents and children during this period are likely to grow and develop rapidly, so calcium supplementation is very important. Since calcium can promote the growth and development of human bones and help teenagers grow taller, it is necessary to pay attention to supplementing calcium for children during their adolescent development period. Let’s take a look at the recipes for calcium supplementation for 12-year-old children.

1. Black soybeans

Soybeans are considered to be high-protein foods. Among them, black beans have the largest protein and low calories, so you will not be afraid of gaining weight if you eat more. It can be cooked with white rice or ground into black bean milk. If children are averse to black soybeans, they can eat peanuts.

2. Raw eggs

Generally, children have no resistance to raw eggs, especially the high content of egg white (protein). Eggs are a high-protein food. For children, it will be better when they grow up. Although the content of cholesterol in egg yolk is very high, the situation is not big if you control the amount of raw eggs you eat every day. Manipulate raw eggs 1-2 times a day.

3. Milk

Milk is an essential ingredient for children’s height. Because milk contains nutrients that promote bone growth. Three glasses of milk a day can provide the calcium needed for maturation. However, some children do not like the milky taste of milk. If the children at home don't like milk, why not let them add kefir and eat cheese.

4. Broccoli

Broccoli contains iron and calcium. Growing and developing children must supplement iron and calcium. They were able to eat more broccoli. However, many children are very resistant to broccoli. They cook broccoli directly according to the taste of adults. Children generally don't like to eat broccoli. Therefore, spinach can be chopped and mixed with rice triangles.

5. Tuna

Tuna is rich in protein and calcium. The plant calcium in tuna is easier to digest and absorb than other algae, which is very helpful for the growth of children. In addition, anchovies . whitebait . smelt and other seafood products, even the bones and meat are good ingredients.

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