Necessary Nutrition and Dietary Quantity Standards By the age of 2, young children will become very active and prioritize their own actions. If the action does not go as smoothly as expected, the child will lose his temper, refuse to accept the parents' opinions, and assert self-

Necessary nutrition and dietary standards

Children will become very active when they reach the age of 2 and will give priority to their own actions.

If the action is not as smooth as expected, the child will lose his temper and refuse to accept the opinions of his parents, claiming to be independent.

At this time, the "resistance period" began. In the diet of young children during this period, this "resistance" emotion will be expressed in various forms. But if parents always suppress these rebellious behaviors of children, it will affect the children's desire to accomplish certain things spontaneously; on the contrary, if parents over-indulge, it will also make children lose self-control. Therefore, if parents can skillfully deal with their children's "rebellious period" mentality, they can also take the opportunity to cultivate good eating habits in their children.

In order to maintain or further enhance national health, most countries in the world will publish reference standards for dietary life and nutritional amounts, hoping that people in the country can absorb sufficient nutrients.

Most of the nutrients we adults consume every day are used to maintain life. For early childhood, physical development slows down year by year. In early childhood, one-third of the daily nutritional intake is used for growth and development.

In real life, the nutrition required by each child is different. Even children of the same age have different weights and activity levels. Therefore, nutritional standards are not absolute for every young child. There is no need to get too stuck on details. Parents can adopt flexible matching methods according to their children's appetite. However, it would be very convenient if there was a set of nutritional standards as a basis for planning and formulating meals for young children.

has mastered the nutritional standards for 2-year-old children. The next step is how to achieve this nutritional standards. What food should I choose? How much to use? We divide a large number of foods into the following four categories from the perspective of nutrition .

Category 1: (protein and mineral nutrition sources) milk, eggs, fish, meat, beans and their products.

Category 2: (vitamins and mineral nutrition sources) vegetables, fruits, seaweed.

The third category: (heat source) - cereals and potatoes with starch as the main component.

Category 4: (calorie sources and carbohydrates ) - oils and fat-rich foods.

If you choose 1 or 2 combinations from the above four categories of food to prepare a meal, it will be a nutritionally balanced meal.

Give appropriate afternoon snacks

For young children, afternoon snacks can not only supplement nutrition and water. It also plays a vital role in the spiritual aspect. Some experts and scholars have conducted the following experiments. In childcare centers, children who were given juice were more mentally stable than children who were not given juice. It's clear that an afternoon snack can bring mental comfort to young children. Many people have also noticed that when the children are clamoring for snacks from their parents and waiting for the snacks to arrive, the expressions and demeanor of the children are completely different from the state when eating snacks. Afternoon snacks can help cheer up children and stabilize their emotions.

During this period, the amount of snacks given to young children can be roughly divided into 10% to 15% of the total energy intake throughout the day. Generally speaking, a 2-year-old child needs 1,200 to 1,500 kcal. Therefore, an afternoon snack requires 120 to 180 kcal. Milk can be used as a source of calcium supplement. It is best to give about 400 ml a day and drink it as a general afternoon snack. In addition, just prepare food with a total energy of about 50 kcal.

Afternoon snacks are an important part of the dietary life for young children. If parents do not pay attention to it, they will easily ignore its role in nutrition and overfeed their children with sweets to absorb unnecessary sugar. Fruit, milk, potatoes, cereals and other natural foods are the mainstay.If you want to use foods sold on the market, please avoid foods with strong flavors and added spices, and try to choose foods that do not contain saccharin, coloring and other additives.

Sweet foods such as chocolate, candies, cream cakes , various sugar drinks, lactobacillus drinks and other sweet foods that young children like contain high calories. Not only is it easy for children to lose their appetite for other foods, but it is also easy to cause tooth decay in young children. Before the child is 2 years old, try not to let him eat overly sweet foods.

Afternoon snacks should be given to children at a fixed time every day. The size and content of the snacks are best determined based on the children's appetite and activity level that day. If the children have fully absorbed nutrients in three meals or have less exercise that day, parents can only supplement them with water-rich juices, fruits, milk, etc., and let the children rest properly.

Adults all know that there is a direct relationship between sugar intake and tooth decay. As the number of snacks per day increases, so does the incidence of tooth decay. You may have heard that young children who live in day care have lower rates of tooth decay than those who live at home with their parents. Of course, this is not due to differences in sugar intake, but rather to the fact that young children in day care have a regular snack time after lunch.

Children begin to grow deciduous teeth from the time they are 6 to 8 months old. At about 2 to 3 years old, twenty teeth have completely grown. In order to protect your children's pearl-like teeth for a long time, pay special attention to how your children take afternoon snacks. After the children have eaten, instruct them to drink water or brush their teeth. Irregular or frequent afternoon snacks will not only cause tooth decay, but also cause loss of appetite, disrupt your baby's eating habits, and harm your health.

A survey pointed out that most children who experience unexplained discomfort (no obvious physical illness, but have symptoms such as headache, abdominal pain, easy fatigue, etc.) are mostly caused by the relatively high caloric intake of afternoon snacks, which accounts for the total daily intake. The amount is more than 37%.

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