We all know that the main manifestation of cerebral palsy is motor dysfunction, which is usually accompanied by delayed development of motor functions, abnormal muscle tone, abnormal posture, etc. Some children may also be accompanied by delayed language, or even intellectual dev

We all know that the main manifestation of cerebral palsy is motor dysfunction, which is usually accompanied by delayed development of motor functions, abnormal muscle tone, abnormal posture, etc. Some children may also be accompanied by delayed language and even intellectual developmental disabilities. Wait, cerebral palsy seriously endangers children's health, so we must pay attention to it.

Communication between people is necessary. Communication is an indispensable part of our study and life. However, such simple communication and speaking pose many difficulties for children with cerebral palsy. They behave clumsily, salivate or speak in a slurred way, and we can't hear them clearly when they express themselves. These are all problems of language communication barriers.

Can children with cerebral palsy drool and have slurred speech? Can it be treated?

In fact, the current clinical treatment for children with cerebral palsy who have drooling and slurred speech is mainly through CPS surgical adjustment to improve the child's condition. CPS surgery, referred to as common carotid artery adventitial dissection, can block the conduction of sympathetic nerve , so the direct control effect of sympathetic nerves will be relatively weakened, resulting in reduced saliva secretion. Due to the decrease in the excitability of the sympathetic nerves in the neck, the muscle tone of the upper limbs of the children decreases and the coordination improves, so that the words will be clearer, coherent and powerful.

Experts remind: Cerebral palsy in children The most important thing is early detection and early rehabilitation. If timely, continuous, and comprehensive treatment is provided, babies with cerebral palsy can slowly return to normal functions, and they can live and study like normal babies.