Results of the Project Exhibition • Grow Together - The Practice and Research on Reading Interests in Picture Books for Children in the Middle Class Group of Lian Yicheng Kindergarten in Noah's Boat An important pathway to early childhood reading ability. Picture books, with brig

Project Exhibition Results • Grow Together - Practice and Research on Reading Interests in Picture Books for Children in the Middle Class Group of Lian Yicheng Kindergarten in Noah's Boat


Picture books are a kind of reading materials with simple characters, distinctive themes, clear pictures and beautiful language. Picture books Reading is an important way to cultivate children's early reading ability.

picture book, with bright colors and rich connotations, can provide children with beautiful enjoyment and is conducive to the cultivation of children's creativity.

During regional activities, we always find that children are not very interested in the reading area. They often stop reading books after reading them for a while, or start flipping through them quickly.

The new "Outline" incorporates the requirements for early reading for young children into the goal system of language education, and proposes that "it is necessary to cultivate children's interest in simple marks and text symbols common in life, and use books, paintings and other methods to arouse children's interest in Interest in book reading and writing, and cultivating children’s pre-reading and pre-writing skills. “One of the important ways to cultivate children’s early reading ability is picture book reading.

So how can we improve children's interest in reading and develop their various abilities?

In this regard, we have conducted practice and research on children’s interest in picture book reading.


Preliminary preparation

Based on a period of follow-up investigation, we have taken the following measures:

. Publish picture books to understand how much children like to read? What kind of picture books do you like?

. Choose appropriate reading materials. It should be a picture book mainly based on paintings, with few words but rich pictures and bright colors.

. The selection of content should be based on the actual life of the child and be close to the life of young children.

. Analyze and rectify, provide suitable picture books for reading, and implement the "I went to school with books" activity.

stage results

First of all, what we have done most in this month and a half is to provide a rich and sufficient number of picture books suitable for the age characteristics of children, and to communicate with parents regularly.

Ask children to bring books at home that interest them to the kindergarten to share with everyone.

Children will often see new books, and children will exchange readings with each other, thus greatly improving the effectiveness of education and teaching and their interest in reading.

Through a series of measures, the number of children choosing the reading area has increased significantly, but there are still very few active and independent children.

In this regard, we conducted the second stage of practical research.


Self-made books

A child brought his favorite books from home and shared them with the children in the kindergarten. Many children were willing to bring their favorite books to the kindergarten and put them in the book corner for the children. Read together. The number of children choosing the reading area has increased significantly.

After that, we discussed with the children how to make books. This change made more children willing to read books and make books by themselves.

html Phase 1 results

Through self-made books, the children obtained:

. The reading interest is stronger and the enthusiasm is higher.

Every time children choose their own areas, they no longer rush to the plant corner, construction area, etc. The reading area is no longer an unattended corner.

. Reading is not just about reading a book, but also about doing it.

Since the book making process in the reading area was set up, the children often flipped through the books and read the books while making books by themselves after understanding the steps of making books.

. Homemade books help children improve their creativity and imagination, and at the same time, also improve their language expression skills.

Sometimes, the books produced by children have the same content as the books they read, but most children will use their imagination to create a book of their own, and we only need to help them put the books into use. Revise it into a book, listen to their stories, understand their inner world, and correctly interpret children.


Story Collection

"Story Collection" received enthusiastic participation from parents and friends as soon as it was released. Let us first enjoy the story sharing of the first child!

stage results

Through this "Story Collection" activity, it not only exercised the children's courage, but also created an atmosphere for the children to dare to speak, be happy to speak, and speak skillfully. What's more important is that the children have gained confidence and prefer to participate in reading activities during various story performances. At the same time, the implementation of this activity allowed teachers and parents to feel the improvement of children's language expression ability.


Time flies, and before you know it, a tense and busy semester is about to pass. Looking back on this semester, under the leadership of the park leaders, our project is about to come to an end.

Through practical research this semester, this topic has achieved preliminary results. Based on the age characteristics of children and the actual situation of parents, a series of reading practice activities are implemented, which are of great help in improving the reading interest of middle class children.

During the implementation process, we shared our experience with teachers from different grade groups.


During the implementation of the project, we carefully analyzed, combined with children's interests, and constantly reflected and summarized. Book drifting, storytelling, making books, trying to tell, story collection, etc., these reading activities allow children to deeply feel the joy of reading, improve their ability to listen, observe, express and perform, and also close the relationship between parents and children. connect.

In the following daily practice, we will pay more attention to children's reading methods and encourage parents to participate in children's activities. At the same time, we also need to continue to learn related educational theoretical knowledge and improve our own teaching and research levels.