What is your baby's first complementary food? Among 100 mothers asked this question, 90% of mothers would say: rice noodles! It is true that the first food supplement most mothers give their babies is rice cereal, and it is iron-fortified rice cereal. Because after 4 months, the

What is the baby’s first complementary food?

asked 100 mothers, 90% of them would say: rice noodles!

It is true that the first food supplement most mothers give their babies is rice flour, and it is iron-fortified rice flour. Because after 4 months, the iron obtained by the baby from the mother has been almost consumed, and iron deficiency anemia is prone to occur.

The American Academy of Pediatrics believes that there is no medical evidence that feeding solid foods in a specific order has special benefits for children.

What is the first complementary food?

In other words, the first complementary food added to the baby is not necessarily rice noodles. Meat puree, egg yolk.

In the past, we recommended starting to introduce supplementary food at seven or eight months. Now, the " Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents" recommends that in the first month of adding complementary foods to the baby, it is best to let the baby eat iron-rich foods first, such as Iron-fortified rice noodles and red meat puree can be added.

Like pork, beef, and mutton, these are all red meats. Animal livers, animal blood, and egg yolk puree are rich in iron and zinc, which are very good for the growth and development of babies.

If you choose to introduce rice cereal to your baby first, you should choose whole grain rice cereal, because some rices contain higher arsenic levels than other grains, so your child should eat a variety of grains rather than just one.

What to eat fruits and vegetables first?

Many doctors believe that fruits are sweet. If the baby eats the fruits first, he will refuse to eat vegetables or be allergic to vegetables. Therefore, it is recommended that the baby should eat vegetables first and then fruits.

The American Academy of Pediatrics believes that there is no set rule. If the breastfeeding mother can eat a variety of vegetables and the child is exposed to the taste of these foods while eating breast milk, then he will not refuse vegetables when he starts to eat complementary foods.

According to research by scientists, around the 17th week of pregnancy, the fetus begins to swallow amniotic fluid. If the mother prefers a certain food taste during pregnancy, the child may also prefer this taste after birth.

Therefore, it is recommended that mothers pay attention to the diversity of food during pregnancy, which is not only beneficial to their own health, but also beneficial to the nutritional balance of the next generation.

In addition, other people in the family should also pay attention to the diversity of food, and do not influence their children because of their own taste preferences, or give psychological hints to their children.

The authoritative document has changed.

There is also a very big change in the 7th edition of "Parenting Encyclopedia". In the past, doctors recommended that after providing a new food to the baby, let him eat it for a few days and then switch to another one, so that parents can See how babies react to various foods.

New research shows it's safe to offer a variety of foods at once. This is the view of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Currently, the World Health Organization and the Chinese Nutrition Society recommend that food should be added in the same manner, rather than adding several foods at the same time.

Every time you add a new food to your child, you should observe it for two or three days. If the child does not have diarrhea, rash, or vomiting, add new food.

But if your child has severe eczema , or is allergic to egg protein, then I suggest that you should consult a doctor before deciding whether to add it.