"Little strawberry! Little strawberry!!" Emma and her mother were playing in the square when they met a strange lady anxiously looking for her child. The mother didn't pay much attention at first. After all, she didn't know what happened. She thought that the children might run o

"Little strawberry! Little strawberry!!" Emma and her mother were playing in the square when they met a strange lady anxiously looking for her child.

My mother didn’t pay much attention at first. After all, she didn’t know what happened. She thought that the children might run out after hearing the shouting.

But the lady yelled for a long time, but there was no trace of the child. She only heard her call and said that she thought the child had entered the elevator of the office building and was going to find someone in the elevator.

"The little strawberry is outside!" Emma suddenly said.

"Where is it?" When she heard that someone knew where the child was, the woman seemed to have found a savior.

"When I entered the office building just now, I saw Little Strawberry outside." Emma said with certainty. The lady rushed out to look for her, and Emma quickly followed.

But there was no trace of the little strawberry where Emma mentioned it.

"Did you really see Little Strawberry here?" Mom didn't know Little Strawberry, and she wasn't sure whether Emma knew Little Strawberry, let alone whether she was talking about the same person. She was worried that the search would be wasted.

"It's true! I clearly saw her squatting here when I came in just now!" Emma emphasized with great certainty that she was not talking nonsense.

Then the lady shouted "Little Strawberry! Little Strawberry!..." in the square, hoping that Little Strawberry would appear quickly.

Suddenly, in the direction of the entrance of the community, I saw a little strawberry running this way and rushed into the lady's arms. Ms.

found her child and thanked Emma with special gratitude. Later, she met her again and thanked Emma again for her help.

"How do you know Little Strawberry?" Mom was a little strange, how did Emma know that child.

"Xinxin (Emma's good friend) told me that Xinxin took her when we were dancing." Only then did Emma explain her experience of meeting Little Strawberry.

At this moment, my mother felt that Emma was very good. As a mother, she was particularly afraid of things like missing children. However, she did not expect that Emma would help a strange woman find her child by such a coincidence. It seems that she tells Emma a lot on weekdays. She has memorized all the knowledge.

Like Emma!

Treat yourself as a child, be friends with your children, and grow up with your children.