Children's Booster Chair If you list products on Amazon, you must comply with all federal, state, and local laws and Amazon policies (including this Policy) that apply to those products and product listings.

Children's Booster Chair

If you list products on the Amazon marketplace, you must comply with all federal, state, and local laws and Amazon policies (including this policy) that apply to those products and product listings.

Quality Control Inspection, specializing in providing Amazon compliance testing services (for details, contact Li Gong, Quality Control Department)

Children's booster chair covered by this policy

Children's booster chair is a child seat that is placed on an adult chair to raise children to the standard Table height, usually used for feeding or eating. Children's booster seats are height-adjustable and tiltable and are suitable for children up to five years old. Children's booster seats are not intended for use in cars. For more information, see our policy on child restraint systems in the United States.

Our Policy Regarding Children's Booster Chairs

Amazon requires that all children's booster chairs be tested and comply with the following specific regulations or standards:

Product Regulations/Standard Requirements

Children's Booster Chairs

Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (Lead) , Phthalates ); and

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Act, Section 14(a)(5) (Tracking Labels); and

16 CFR Part 1130 (Durable Infant and Toddler Products). Product Consumer Registration Requirements); and

ASTM F2640-18 (Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Children's Booster Seats); or

Required by the Code of Federal Regulations, Volume 16 Part 1237 (Safety Standard for Children's Booster Seats)


We may ask you to provide the following information at any time, so we recommend that you have this information ready for submission:

Your company name (if applicable) and seller number

Your contact information: Email address and phone number

What you posted List of all children's booster chairs

All products and product packaging pictures (if applicable) of all children's booster chairs you have posted. Images must include all sides of the product and product packaging for our review

Product images or test reports to prove that the product meets the registration card requirements (16 CFR Part 1130)

Product images or test reports to prove that the product meets the registration card requirements (16 CFR Part 1130) Comply with mandatory tracking label requirements (U.S. Consumer Product Safety Act Section 14(a)(5))

Product pictures or test reports proving that the product meets warning and hazard label requirements (American Society for Testing and Materials F2640-18 Section 8 or 16 CFR Part 1237) (as applicable)

All product instructions and manuals for all children's booster chairs you publish

Children's Product Certificates (CPCs) for all children's boosters you publish for which this policy applies )

A test report issued by a laboratory accredited by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission , confirming that each product has passed the test and complies with the above regulations and standards

Note: The test report must include pictures of the inspected goods, and the pictures should be sufficient to prove The inspected product is the same as the product posted on the detail page.