"Children's precocious puberty" has always been a key issue that parents pay attention to. More than ten years ago, the term precocious puberty was relatively unfamiliar to most parents. With changes in lifestyle, more and more children are experiencing precocious puberty. In 201

"Children's precocious puberty" has always been a key issue that parents pay attention to.

More than ten years ago, the term precocious puberty was relatively unfamiliar to most parents. With changes in lifestyle, more and more children are experiencing precocious puberty.

In 2018, according to data released by the China Health Promotion and Education Association, there were approximately 530,000 children with precocious puberty in my country, and the incidence rate of precocious puberty in children was 0.43%.

Under normal circumstances, secondary sexual characteristics will not appear until a girl is 8 years old and a boy is 9 years old. But judging from recent cases, more and more children are developing secondary sexual characteristics before the age of 8 or 9, and precocious puberty is becoming younger and younger.

To be honest, 530,000 children in China have precocious puberty. And what “ripens” children is not what parents always think: fried chicken and soy milk.

Let’s first understand what is precocious puberty?

The medical definition of precocious puberty is that secondary sexual characteristics appear before the age of 8 in girls and before the age of 9 in boys. Clinically, precocious puberty can be divided into peripheral precocious puberty and central precocious puberty.

The cause of precocious puberty is related to changes in human endocrine, while peripheral precocious puberty is related to drug abuse and health care products, and central precocious puberty is related to brain tumors , trauma or rare genetic diseases.

Precocious puberty is not simply an early development, it will also have a great impact on the child's physical and mental health. Some cases of precocious puberty are caused by tumors or endocrine system diseases in the body. Without timely intervention, more serious problems can result. Although children with precocious puberty develop faster than their peers in the early stage, their final actual height will be much lower than that of their peers.

Precocious puberty is just physical development in advance, and the mental and intellectual levels are still at the actual age level. If there is no timely intervention, it will affect the normal development of the child's psychology and bring adverse effects to the child's study and life.

Generally speaking, sexual maturity begins with the secretion of hormones from the brain, leading to a series of physiological changes such as height increase, weight gain, breast development, and hip circumference widening.

If a girl has breast development and menstruation before the age of 8. If a boy has swollen testicles and a beard on his Adam's apple before the age of 9, it indicates precocious puberty and he should seek medical attention promptly.

  2. Children with "precocious puberty" are not caused by eating fried chicken or drinking soy milk

 There are many factors that affect precocious puberty. Many studies have found that the occurrence of precocious puberty is closely related to many factors.

  1. Poor diet

 With the improvement of living standards, eating meat is no longer a luxury. Some children are picky eaters and only eat meat. Meat is rich in protein, but eating too much can lead to overnutrition, which not only easily leads to overweight and obesity, but also precocious puberty.

For growing children, it is not advisable to eat too many health products. In addition, sugary drinks are high in calories and can easily damage the gastrointestinal tract, leading to precocious puberty.

Among all foods, foods containing more dietary fiber, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, etc., can effectively prevent premature puberty in children. Studies have found that dietary fiber can inhibit the dissociation of estrogen conjugates and increase the excretion of estrogen in the feces, thereby reducing estrogen levels in the body and preventing premature puberty in children.

 2. Endocrine disruptors

 The results found that the higher the bisphenol a content in a girl's serum, the higher the risk of precocious puberty. In addition, detergents, pesticides, etc. may also contain the endocrine disruptor , so be vigilant.

  3. Early exposure to love books and TV series

Nowadays, with the development of Internet information, children can easily come into contact with scenes or texts about love in movies, books, and periodicals. When children are exposed to pictures or words about love, the hypothalamic pituitary gonadal axis will be activated in advance, increasing the secretion of gonadal hormones.

 4, Children use adult cosmetics

 Skin care products, cosmetics, etc., in addition to beauty and skin care, also contain many chemicals containing estrogen. After use, they will be absorbed by children's skin, causing the development of secondary sexual characteristics in advance.

  3. How should parents prevent precocious puberty in children?

 1. Use less plastic products and do not let children come into contact with adult skin care products or cosmetics.

 2. Contraceptive pills for adults should be kept out of the reach of children to avoid accidentally taking them.

 3. A balanced diet with reasonable mix can help children develop the habit of not being picky eaters and avoid overweight and obesity.

 4. Spend more time with your children, let them watch TV and play games as little as possible, and reduce their exposure to electronic products.

 5. If your child is found to have symptoms of precocious puberty, seek medical examination promptly to rule out disease factors.

Warm reminder: Parents should bear the main responsibility for preventing premature puberty in children, so they should learn more about premature puberty in children and do a good job in prevention. The most important thing is to let your children develop a good habit of eating a balanced diet. Precocious puberty in children is nothing new, but it is an increasingly serious problem for Chinese families.

By observing the child's height, weight and other appearance, you can determine whether precocious puberty has occurred. If parents find abnormalities in their children, they need to go to a regular hospital for further diagnosis and treatment.