Many novice parents want the best for their children when they first become parents. Some of them cannot bear to see their children even a little dirty, for fear that their children will get sick due to hygiene problems, almost to the point of "germophobia".

Many novice parents want the best for their children when they first become parents. Some of them cannot bear to see their children dirty because they are afraid that their children will get sick due to hygiene problems, almost to the point of "germophobia". Lin Yong, deputy director of pediatrics at the Jiangbei Campus of Zhongda Hospital, discovered during the outpatient clinic that many parents who took their children to the hospital thought that some unclean hygiene habits during daily care caused their children to become sick. Therefore, Director Lin answers some questions about daily outpatient clinics for parents. In fact, moderate "dirtyness" can protect the child's body. If you clean too much, it will damage your baby's health.

Although the baby's boogers will hinder breathing, digging them indiscriminately will do no harm. Many parents will find that they clean their babies' noses every day, but the more they pick out the boogers, that's because the baby's nasal cavity is relatively short and unlike adults, which are protected by nasal hair, the nasal mucosa is also relatively soft, if they always give their children Picking your nose and cleaning your nose will irritate the nasal mucosa, which will make your nose more likely to runny and itchy, and lead to more nasal mucus.

Although nasal mucus and boogers may look unsightly, they are actually the natural protective barrier of the baby's nasal cavity. Frequent cleaning can easily cause respiratory tract infection , and the baby's nasal cavity is rich in blood vessels. If you accidentally dig your nose, it will cause nosebleeds. The broken area will become itchy after scabbing, and the child can't help but pick his nose again, which will easily lead to digging again, forming a vicious cycle.

The baby’s nose can’t be picked out. How to clean it?

does not need to be cleaned in most cases. If you feel that your baby has a lot of nasal mucus and is having trouble breathing, you can use saline to clear the nasal cavity and let the baby lie on his back for a while to soften the nasal mucus. Finally, use cotton swabs and tissues to deal with the nasal mucus, or let it flow out on its own.

In addition to boogers, many mothers also like to dig out earwax for their babies. However, parents who think they are comfortable "picking out their ears" may injure their children's ear canals. The ear canals of infants and young children are narrower and shorter than those of adults, and their skin immunity is also weaker. Frequent removal of earwax can easily cause otitis externa. If you don't know the right measure when picking out your ears, you may injure your eardrums.

In fact, normal earwax will not affect ear health. On the contrary, it can protect your baby's ears and block microorganisms, bugs and even water. Most people can expel earwax on their own, but your baby's earwax may fall out of your baby's ears inadvertently. If the baby has a lot of earwax and is obviously uncomfortable, it is recommended that parents take the baby to the hospital to see a doctor for treatment.

Many babies have a layer of "dirt" on their heads, which looks like dandruff. It is actually called cradle cap and must not be picked at randomly. Some are thick, oily, yellow or brown, and some are scaly or like broken shells.

But unlike eczema , which is itchy and uncomfortable, cradle cap usually appears in the first few months of the baby's life without any discomfort. It will disappear on its own by 6 to 12 months, with little impact on the baby's life. Therefore, there is no need for parents to pay too much attention and there is no need to forcefully remove cradle cap for their children. There were parents who couldn't help but use a comb to scrape cradle cap on their babies, which eventually led to damage, infection and inflammation of their children's scalp.

If you really want to remove your baby's cradle cap, parents can apply baby oil on the cradle cap, moisturize it for 5 to 10 minutes, and then wash it with baby shampoo. Don't rush to remove it all at once. If you insist on it every day, it will gradually reduce.

Baby girl’s butt is dirty, don’t treat the protective barrier as inflammation! When bathing or washing the baby's bottom, he will take a look at the baby girl's small bottom (vagina), and sometimes he will find white secretions.

At this time, many parents will feel that the secretions are dirty and worry that they will get "inflammation" if they are not cleaned up, so they quickly find a way to clean the baby. But in fact, the white discharge from the baby girl's vulva is not something dirty, but a normal physiological phenomenon.

Studies have shown that the secretions from a baby girl’s butt contain bactericidal and bacteriostatic substances, which are not only harmless, but can also protect the baby’s vagina from bacterial intrusion.

So how to clean the little butt of a baby girl?

If it comes into contact with feces, it must be washed, but in other cases, when cleaning and caring for the baby's vulva, just wash it with running water. If there is too much secretion, you can wash it off slowly with warm water, so don’t worry.

Unless there are special circumstances, it is recommended that the frequency of cleaning is not too high, just 1 to 2 times a day. Too often will damage the local skin protective film and induce infection.

However, if your baby’s secretions are yellow and bloody, or the vulva is red, swollen and itchy, you should take your baby to the hospital for treatment.

Director Lin Yong, a pediatrician at Jiangbei Campus, has an outpatient clinic time: Thursday morning.