"Children, come and start an adventure with me!" Recently, the first two books of the fairy tale series "The Adventures of Arhat Cat" published by Dolphin Publishing House, "The Adventures of Arhat Cat 1. Spread its Wings and Fly High" and "The Adventures of Arhat Cat" 2. The Mys

"Children, come and start an adventure with me!" Recently, the first two books of the fairy tale series "The Adventures of Arhat Cat" published by Dolphin Publishing House "The Adventures of Arhat Cat 1. Flying High" and "Arhat Cat" "The Adventures of Cat 2: The Mystery of Life" is now on the market. This storybook with 'adventure' as the main line has received more than 5 million total listens as soon as it was launched on the Himalaya audio platform, and ranked 6th on the 2020 Himalaya Children's New Product List and 13th on the Parent-Child Education Bestseller List. Famous for good results. Recently, the reporter conducted an interview with Shen Liqing of the United Front Work Department of the Qiantang District Committee of Hangzhou City, the author of this series of fairy tale books, who is affectionately called "Uncle Arhat Cat" by young readers, in a "sneak peek" mood.

According to Shen Liqing, "The Adventures of Arhat Cat" is a set of fairy tale books with love and positive energy. As the protagonist in the book, Luohan Cat not only contains the mysterious flying cat family lineage in his genes, but is also smart and responsible. After accidentally saving Teacher Black Bear and entering Rainbow Cat School, his abilities have greatly increased. Life was completely broken, and what followed was the unfolding of conspiracies and battles... In order to save his teacher and friends who were in crisis, he and his friends embarked on an adventure journey. When talking about the original source of inspiration, he said that it was because he wanted to give his daughter a unique childhood and because he didn't want to just repeat stories written by others, so he came up with the inspiration for the original bedtime story. Later, because of the joining of his friend "Uncle Big Head" who is obsessed with the comic dream, the characters in the book are now full of inspirational spirit and three-dimensional personality.

"When I wrote this book, I not only grasped the characteristics of children's fantasy, but also hoped that through the plot, I could incorporate adult wisdom. And in order to better get older friends Resonating with children, the main plots in the book come from real life, and you will feel immersed in it after reading it," said Shen Liqing.

At the same time, he also said that unlike other conventional fairy tale books, the characters of the protagonists in this set of books are all imperfect, but at the same time they all have their own irreplaceable roles. "I hope this can guide and educate young readers to establish correct 'three views'. For example, my favorite chocolate cat, although he is a timid and ordinary kitten, he always succeeds at every critical moment. Turn corruption into magic and help the team win in danger, then it can become a superhero in our hearts."

As a half-lawyer, Shen Liqing has successfully written spy novels before, so he wrote "Arhat Cat" here. In the process of "Adventures", he also gained a deeper understanding of character relationships and storylines. By making the characters' adventures full of suspense, using suspense to promote plot development, and often leaving secret clues for readers to discover, it gives readers a more pleasant reading experience. And it is precisely because of this that the work has received widespread attention and support once it was launched.

Shen Liqing revealed that he is currently writing the seventh part of "The Adventures of Arhat Cat". As the adventure continues to unfold, readers will have more spiritual experiences with the protagonists that are different from the past.

"I hope that through the storyline, I can bring stronger faith to the children and inspire their potential. In short, as long as the children are happy, I will always be their 'Uncle Arhat Cat'" Shen Liqing said with a smile. (Reporter Wang Jinuo)