In fact, the earlier the baby brushes his teeth, the better. How to brush the baby's teeth, and how to clean the baby's mouth before and after teething? Does breastfeeding cause tooth decay? Is the baby's tongue white because it is not brushed clean? Many people probably don’t kn

In fact, the earlier the baby brushes his teeth, the better. How to brush the baby's teeth, and how to clean the baby's mouth before and after teething? Will breastfeeding cause tooth decay ? Is the baby's tongue white because it is not brushed clean? Many people probably don’t know about these mothers.

Why should you brush your teeth as early as possible?

When a baby starts to grow teeth, usually around six months, if you brush something in her mouth, the baby will reject you because she is not used to it. The main reason we are doing oral cleaning is to get the baby used to the act of cleaning when something is put in his mouth. This is to prepare the baby for brushing when teeth really grow in the future.

How to deal with the baby before and after teething?

My baby brushed his teeth three months ago. Brushing should be done when the baby is in a good mood. Never do it when the baby wants to sleep or is uncomfortable.

If your baby becomes disgusted with brushing his teeth, he will refuse you when you really want to brush his teeth in the future. Then he will resist and be reluctant to brush his teeth.

The first thing is to prepare clean gauze or gauze towel, and the second thing is a small cup of warm water that you can drink.

After you wash your hands, wrap the gauze around your fingers, then dip some water in it, and then gently scrub the baby's gums up and down, slowly and gently in circular motions, and finally a little Clean your tongue, but remember not to rub it too deep, as it may trigger your baby's gag reflex.

After teething: You can also brush your teeth with warm water that you can drink. It is recommended to use a finger toothbrush. That kind of toothbrush finger cover can not only help the baby clean her teeth, but also massage her gums. As the baby grows up, we can use some A regular baby toothbrush. We need to help babies form good habits of caring for their teeth as soon as possible.

The relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and baby tooth decay.

Breast milk does not cause tooth decay in babies. It does not matter if you do not brush your teeth after breastfeeding, but this does not mean that breastfed babies will definitely not have tooth decay.

As the baby grows up and eats a variety of different foods every day, the pH value of the mouth changes, making it easier for bacteria to breed and tooth decay. Therefore, babies still need to clean their mouths every day.

Breast milk contains lactoferrin , which can actually kill Streptococcus mutans that causes tooth decay. Moreover, breast milk does not change the PH value of the mouth, and breastfeeding does not increase the chance of bottle-induced tooth decay. Breast milk It can also increase the absorption of calcium and minerals in baby's teeth, making teeth stronger. Therefore, long-term supplementary feeding of breast milk will not have any negative impact on the baby's teeth.

If the baby is fed a mixture of breast milk and formula milk, or if the baby does not take good oral care when he starts to eat non-staple food, the baby will get tooth decay.

Is the baby's tongue white because it is not brushed clean?

Some parents are worried that my baby’s tongue is white, so they have to clean their baby’s mouth. They think that the purpose of brushing teeth is to clean the tongue coating. In fact, this is not the case. It will not hurt if you don’t brush the tongue coating. Sometimes the baby’s tongue coating There is a white layer on top, which is usually the residue and impurities of milk, and the dead cells remain on the tongue coating. This is because babies between 0 and 3 months old secrete less saliva, so it is less likely to be cleared away. It will stay on his tongue. Therefore, it is normal for babies to have white spots on their tongue, and it will not have any impact on the baby's health.

Oral hygiene must be paid attention to. Tooth decay will not only cause the baby to cry in pain and prevent him from eating, but may also cause chewing discomfort and affect the baby's subsequent permanent tooth development and appearance. Let’s raise children scientifically together!