People say that the elderly are like a canoe. The center of gravity must be controlled by themselves. Only by maintaining a good balance can life go smoothly. This is especially true in the process of interacting with children. Only when two generations respect each other can lif

People say that the elderly are like a canoe, and the focus must be controlled by themselves. Only by maintaining a good balance can life go smoothly. This is especially true in the relationship between

and his children. Only when the two generations respect each other can life last long.

And how to gain mutual respect? Many old people will use a commanding tone to arrange things when they get older. And most of them will use moral kidnapping to persuade their children.

However, this approach will be counterproductive. Not only is it useless, it may even induce rebellious psychology in the children.

Saving face for children in some matters is equivalent to protecting one's own face in disguise.

How can the elderly get along well with their children in daily life? Is it a chattering moral theory? Or suppress it as an elder? None of these.

If you want to get along well with yourself, you must be fair, respectful, and save face. When children's self-esteem is respected, the relationship will naturally be better.

We all know that the conversation between the elderly and the elderly cannot be separated from the topic of children. In fact, the circle of elderly people also has a sense of comparison. The content of the chat is nothing more than whose child has a promising future, whose child makes more money, etc. But some old people will unintentionally make some scandals about their children public. Just imagine, if your children are around, how embarrassed they will be when you tell them about their embarrassing stories?

Therefore, in certain matters, parents should save face for their children, so that their children can be respected and they can look good on themselves.

The balance of the family has a lot to do with whether parents and children can communicate. If the two generations work together, the family will surely prosper.