Some time ago, two brothers from Putian came home from school and wanted to play instead of doing homework. The father who was repairing the car saw it and asked his two sons to watch him repair the car. And it is stipulated that if there are two children, they are not allowed to

Some time ago, Putian brothers came home from school and wanted to play but didn't want to do homework.

The father who was repairing the car saw it, so he asked his two sons to watch him repair the car.

also stipulates that if there are two children, they are not allowed to leave until the car is repaired. So, the two sons stood aside and watched their father repair the car for at least half an hour.

Then there were two children who actively completed their homework. The father said that he just hopes that his children can understand the hard work of their parents.

wants to tell them: If they don’t study hard, they may have to do more hard work in the future.

Indeed, appropriately hard-working education actually helps children develop.

As children grow up, they also have many problems. Educational methods vary from person to person.

On June 23, a mother took her son to the supermarket to buy vegetables. While the mother was choosing dishes, her son got into trouble.

My son accidentally ran to the place selling rice and mixed the mung beans into the rice bucket. When the mother found out, there were already many mung beans for her son in the rice bucket, and it was not easy to choose.

But mothers are rational and will not beat or scold their children in public for this. But when she returned home, her mother carefully educated her children on their naughty behavior.

In order to make the child realize what is wrong, the mother will also take out some bought mixed mung beans and rice and let the child separate them one by one.

When her children do something wrong, she will not evade responsibility because they are too young or ignore the mistakes they make out of love for them.

This mother's approach can not only make the child realize that he is wrong, but also teach him to take responsibility for what he has done.

Children make mistakes, and parents’ education methods do affect their lives.

On June 21, a brother and sister in Henan had an argument while playing at home.

The mother immediately stopped the situation, but the two children were too excited and refused to listen to their mother's dissuasion.

At that time, the father of two children happened to be repairing cars outside. On one side is the father who works hard under the scorching sun, and on the other side are the children who are having a lot of trouble.

When the mother saw it, she asked the two children to stand in the hot sun and watch their father repair the car. The mother hopes that the two children can understand the hardships of their father, and also hopes that they can have some thoughts.

Some netizens feel that children should be taught this way if they make mistakes and are disobedient. They should not be overly pampered. Only by letting children understand the parents' painstaking efforts can they be sensible.

Others feel that this behavior makes children feel guilty. There is the behavior of forcing children to be sensible, which is the undesirable education of hardship.

In fact, rather than letting two children quarrel and fight, it is not an exaggeration at all for this mother to discipline them in a timely manner.

Parents should pay attention to ways and means when educating their children. Rational and reasonable education of children can enable children to develop better.

Choose the right educational methods. Parents can lead their children in the right direction without having to talk too much or lose their temper.

It is normal for children to grow up, become naughty, love to play, and even make mistakes.

Parents must look at their children's growth process rationally. Never scold a child directly without asking for the reason.

should not turn a blind eye to the mistakes they make with the attitude of "the children are too young and will need to be educated in the future". Parents should look at problems more from the perspective of children. There must be more tenderness and patience.

provides appropriate guidance and education based on children's conditions without damaging children's self-esteem.

believes that children will become better through rational education from their parents.