Among children on the spectrum, there are noisy children, and there are also "good" children who are quiet and easy to take care of. They play by themselves, do not cry or make trouble, but they cannot communicate with others. In fact, "good" children also have a variety of emoti

Among children with the

spectrum, there are noisy children, and there are also "good" children who are quiet and easy to take care of. They play by themselves, do not cry or make trouble, but they also cannot communicate with others.

In fact, "good" children also have a variety of emotions. Under the influence of social barriers, it is difficult for children to express their emotions correctly. If things continue like this, the probability of children developing psychological problems will increase.

If you have a "good child" in your family, parents should be vigilant! "Good" children often need more emotional counseling! This is because children's ability to internalize emotions is not yet mature. If a child is troubled by negative emotions for a long time, it is likely to lead to psychological problems. The leakage of emotions can well help children channel negative emotions. can gain a richer emotional experience, and can improve social skills.

How to correctly teach children to deal with negative emotions?

. Cry and learn to vent your emotions

Moderate venting of emotions can achieve psychological balance. Crying, exercising, etc. are all effective ways to vent negative emotions.

When a child cries, parents should let the child cry heartily and avoid blindly persuading the child to suppress or stop his crying. Parents can also use other items, activities, etc. to divert their children's attention, allowing them to vent their unhappiness and gain a complete emotional experience.

In the same way, parents also need to encourage their children to express their positive emotions through laughter, hugs, etc.

2. Speak out and learn to express emotions

After the child completes emotional catharsis, parents need to guide the child to further understand and understand their own emotions.

Parents can first use emotion cards to help their children understand different emotions and expressions. When children can roughly distinguish different emotions, they can use the following questions to guide their children to express their true emotions:

What happened?

How did you feel when it first happened?

How do you feel now? Is

any better? .....

In this way, children can be better guided to establish the connection between facts and emotions, and subtly allow children to gain experience in handling emotions.

3. Draw and learn to project emotions

For children, drawing is a kind of "enjoyment", and it can also project children's psychological state, their own emotions, and life experience...

Parents can analyze their children's paintings In order to understand the child's emotional state, the child will also complete the review of emotions intentionally or unintentionally during the drawing process.

At this moment, parents should give their children appropriate guidance to help them learn how to avoid emotions they don't like, how to reduce the impact of negative emotions on themselves, etc. , so that children can gradually learn better ways to express their emotions.

For children on the spectrum, whether they are well-behaved or naughty, if they want their children to spend a happy time in general school, parents need to gradually guide their children to understand emotions and learn to express their emotions.

This can also help children learn to use reasonable methods to express their thoughts to teachers, parents, and classmates, improve children's social skills, and help children find their own good friends in ordinary schools.

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emotional counseling methods

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