Do you have a child in your family who doesn’t like to drink water? Since the beginning of summer, the weather has really gotten hotter and hotter. I am sweating all day long without turning on the air conditioner. Even if the air conditioner is turned on, the children are still

Do you have a child in your family who doesn’t like to drink water? Since the beginning of summer, the weather has really gotten hotter and hotter. I am sweating all day long without turning on the air conditioner. Even if the air conditioner is turned on, the children are still sweating like rain.

Because she “can’t take any time off” from morning to night, it’s like she has a motor. I don’t know if it’s because my daughter hasn’t drank enough water in the past two days. Her stools are dry and her bowel movements are not smooth. Every time I asked her to drink water, she told me, "If you're not thirsty, you can't drink." I was only willing to take a few sips of water under force + coercion and inducement.

The temperature is high and relatively dry in summer. If the baby cannot replenish water in time, it will not only cause the body to be dehydrated and have difficulty in defecation, but also easily cause illness. As a parent, do you know how much water your baby needs to drink in summer? Does your baby drink enough water every day? This article will talk about the judgment method.

How much water should babies drink in summer?

Compared with other seasons, babies sweat more in summer and need to consume enough water every day to replenish the water lost by the body. The amount of water to drink is not only related to the season, but also to the age, activity level and food of the baby. How much water the baby should drink in summer needs to be considered by parents "depending on the situation".

The Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences has made a simple recommendation on the daily amount of water for babies:

    html Babies aged 80-6 months: drink 700ml of water per day (breast milk/milk powder + water); html Babies aged 86-12 months : Drink 800ml of water per day (breast milk/milk powder + water + food); html Babies aged 81-3 years old: Drink 1,300ml of water per day (breast milk/milk powder + water + food); html Babies aged 84-8 years: every day Drink 1700ml of water per day (breast milk/milk powder + water + food).

However, the daily amount of water to drink will vary depending on the season, the baby's activity level, and the food he eats.

html Babies aged 50-6 months: generally do not need to drink additional water. More than 80% of breast milk and formula milk are water, which can basically meet the baby's normal requirements for water. For example, in summer, babies are afraid of heat and sweat a lot. Once the body shows a "water shortage" signal, they can also be given some warm water to drink;

html Babies aged 56-12 months: Drinking water is not so important. is still based on breast milk/formula milk, and generally does not require more water intake. But they have begun to add complementary foods. After eating complementary foods, it is good to drink water appropriately, which can not only rinse the mouth but also replenish water.

htmlAfter 51 years old: Drinking water is very important. has transitioned to the stage where complementary food is the main food and milk is the supplement. The baby is becoming more active and needs more water. Especially in summer, when the baby may be moving all day long, parents need to properly replenish the baby's water according to the amount of sweat the baby is sweating.

It should be noted that:

  • It is not recommended that babies drink too much water at one time. It is best to drink small amounts many times to avoid affecting the baby's appetite;
  • When babies eat dry food, they need to drink more water;
  • is released in summer When you sweat a lot or exercise a lot, do not use drinks, milk or juice instead of water.

How do you know if your baby has drank "enough" water? Answer: "You will know as soon as you pee"

Infants and older children drink different amounts of water due to different physical development conditions. For small-month-old babies who have little exercise and are still drinking breast milk/milk powder, they should not blindly feed too much water. Drinking too much water is also prone to "water intoxication". So to find out whether your baby drinks enough water, just look at the urine.

Take a look: Check whether the urine has turned yellow

When the baby's body is not short of water, their urine will be either colorless or light yellow. If the baby's body has begun to lack water, the urine will appear "dark yellow", which means that although the baby is not thirsty, the body has sent a "very thirsty" signal and the baby needs to be fed water immediately.

Second look: Look at the frequency of urination

The frequency of urination in babies decreases as they grow older, and by school age the frequency of urination will be close to that of adults. If the baby does not urinate frequently enough, it may also mean that the body is "short of water" and does not drink enough water.The specific frequency of urination and the total volume of urination are as follows:

  • is born to the 3rd day: the number of urinations is about 5 times a day, and the total volume of urination is about 80ml;
  • is born from the 4th to the 10th day: the number of urinations is 20-30 times a day. The total urination volume is 30-300ml;
  • 11th day to 2 months after birth: the number of urinations per day is about 25 times, and the total urination volume is 120-450ml;
  • 2 months to 6 months: the number of urinations per day is 15-20 times , the total urination volume is 200-450ml;
  • 6 months-1 year old: the number of urinations per day is about 15 times, the total urination volume is 400-500ml;
  • 1-3 years old: the daily urination frequency is about 10 times, the total urination volume is 500 -600ml;
  • html Over 83 years old: Gradually approaching adulthood.

Tip: The specific frequency of urination will vary according to the baby's amount of exercise, season, and food type.

Third look: The urine excreted has a strong smell

Generally speaking, the urine excreted by the baby should be colorless, transparent and odorless to prevent it from developing a slight odor after a period of time. If the baby's urine has a strong smell, it may mean that the "baby's body is short of water" , and parents need to appropriately increase the baby's water intake.

Note: When a baby's body is dehydrated, it can not only be seen from the "frequency and volume of urination", but the baby's stool will also be dry and unsmooth. Discovering this kind of problem is a sign of "body lack of water".

For parents who don’t know how to control the amount of water their babies drink every day, you can try this:

① You can buy a large water cup for your baby. According to the age of the baby, fill it with the fixed amount of water to drink every day in the morning, and then drink less water throughout the day. Let him drink as much as possible;

② If your baby doesn't like to drink water, you can eat more water-rich fruits and vegetables in summer to make up for some of the missing water.

A message from CiCi’s mother: Follow CiCi’s mother’s talk about parenting, sharing knowledge about mother and child care for children aged 0-6 every day. If you like this article, give CiCi’s mother a like and share it with more people. If you have any questions about parenting, you can follow me and send me a private message. I will reply when I see it.