Everyone is unique. Although we often say this, we don’t know why people are so different and where these differences are reflected. Not only do we fail to view these differences correctly and use them to make up for our own shortcomings, but they have caused many misunderstandin

Everyone is unique. Although we often say this, we don’t know why people are so different and where these differences are reflected. Not only do we fail to view these differences correctly and use them to make up for our own shortcomings, but they have caused many misunderstandings, gaps and obstacles.

After returning from the night shift, I was about to take a nap under the accompaniment of the heavy rain outside the window. There was a "clang" and the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground suddenly stirred up my somewhat confused nerves. I knew that the "war" was starting again next door. The woman's high-pitched voice was superimposed on the man's low roar, and from time to time there were a few weak cries of grievance. Alas, the two of them had a fight in front of the children again.

People go from strangers to acquaintances, acquaintances, and love. Some people have a smooth journey, while some people have a bumpy life and end up in a mess.

I wrote the above sentence while the young couple next door were having an intermittent high-pitched quarrel.

Different individuals attracted each other and came together. The sweet love at that time still seemed like yesterday, but after the baptism of oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar, the loyal promises to support each other when they tied the knot were worn away in the trivial matters.

Miss Ni next door is bright and elegant, and she speaks very eloquently. During the chat, she once revealed the idea of ​​​​divorcing, but she was reluctant to bear the pain for her children, so she could only endure it. However, the collision of the two sides' mutually unwilling personalities made the family even more precarious.

Suddenly, the child's cry sounded sharply, with a hint of fear, reaching my ears. I couldn't sit still anymore, so I got up and knocked on the door of the next door.

The door is open. Miss Ni's still angry face came into my eyes. The little girl next to her was sobbing, her eyes were red, and there was fear on her face. Behind her were debris on the floor, pushing in all directions. It was obvious at a glance. , it was no longer a verbal dispute.

"Yuanyuan, come to Auntie's place. Your brother Yaoyao left you a delicious cheese stick. Can you come to Auntie's house with your mother?" I bent down and touched the little girl's head. The little girl's eyes were a little timid, her little hands were holding the hem of her mother's skirt, her mouth was pursed tightly, she looked at her mother with a pleading look in her eyes, as if she wanted to immediately escape from this home that scared her.

"Xiao Ni, you and Xiao Yuan should calm down. Come sit with me at home first." I smiled at the little girl reassuringly, and then pulled Xiao Ni out, "Xiao Yuan, go and sort things out at home. What's going on? Let’s finish eating first. Your brother Zhang will get off work soon. Come over and have a drink with him later. Xiao Ni is very handy with the flower arrangement materials I just bought.”

I closed the door next door neatly. Xiao Yuan was left to calm down alone. I took Xiao Ni and her daughter into the house. He dug out picture books and toys for the little girl and let her play on the floor mat for a while, "Yuanyuan, brother Yaoyao was very happy when he heard that you were coming to see him. He will be back from grandma's house in a while. Just wait for him. Yeah. Auntie will cook something delicious for you two, okay?" "Then Yuanyuan is waiting for her brother to come back." The little girl nodded obediently as she looked at her mother sitting peacefully on the sofa. Building blocks were piled up.

"Tell me, why did you two start fighting in front of the children again this time?" I turned my head and looked at the slightly regretful Xiao Ni in front of me. He was looking in the direction of his daughter, with an emotion in his eyes that I couldn't understand. It might be regret or resentment.

"Sister Sun, it's nothing serious. It was just a few quarrels. I couldn't control my temper well and scared Yuanyuan." Xiao Ni rubbed the folds of her skirt with some embarrassment.

"Oh, you guys... forget it, I won't ask any more questions. Come, take a look at this." I handed the book on the table to her, "This is a psychology book I have been reading recently - - "Born Different". This book may help you see many things clearly.I pointed to the eye-catching characters on the spine of the book and said, "The author of this book is Isabel Myers, a psychologist from the United States. She invented a personality type test form (MBTI) that can help us evaluate Based on your own personality type, you can also try to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your own and others' personalities, thereby easing communication tensions under personality collisions and breaking through your own development bottlenecks and personality barriers. "

" Each of us is a unique existence, and differences exist between us. We can actually look at this difference from another angle, instead of clinging to this difference and using it as an entry point for attacking each other. "

I continued: "I give you this book "Born Different" by Amway, which introduces us to the MBTI personality type test that is currently widely used in life, workplace, and business. It passes four dimensions, eight aspects, and ten Six personality types to help us determine personal personality preferences and better understand ourselves and others. "

" Sister Sun, is it really useful? "Xiao Ni looked at me and said.

"Why do I recommend it to you? Because there are things in the book that you desperately want to know. "I opened the book, pointed to a certain place, and said, "The book says that differences in personality types between husband and wife often lead to various conflicts. If a family is formed with opposing personality traits, it is not necessarily the source of disaster. If you can make an effort to recognize the other person's differences and fully respect the other person's right to maintain their personality traits, you will often gain great results. "

"Read this book carefully and try to discover the shining points of each other. The shortcomings you see now may be transformed into amazing creations somewhere. Understanding, appreciation and respect are the strongest communication bridges between husband and wife. As a couple, you can be with each other forever. You two cherish and value each other. Even if the relationship cannot be perfect, you can still achieve the most appropriate cooperation. "

" Husbands and wives do not necessarily need to be identical, complementation can also make life better. " I looked at Xiao Ni who was thoughtful and smiled, "Try to look at the other person's shortcomings from a different angle. Maybe you won't be so angry, and maybe you can praise Xiao Yuan. A compliment. "

" Sister Sun, no wonder you and Brother Zhang have such a good relationship. I'm so envious. "Xiao Ni said with some embarrassment.

"We are no different from you. You have been together noisily for so many years just like we did back then. As long as you two still want to start a family, and you still want to go on, you have to open your eyes and look for the good things in each other. They complement each other, and what they complement is the understanding and the determination to work together. "

Xiao Ni stroked the cover thoughtfully.

I smiled, stood up and walked to the kitchen, "Come on, don't worry about it, take the book back later and read it carefully. We sisters should cook and feed those mouths first. "

"Well, sister, okay..."