Text | Yingma China Quality Report on June 26, 2022 conducted random inspections of shoes worn by children on the market. During the random inspection of nearly 200 batches of shoes, 48 ​​batches were found to be unqualified, with a failure rate of 24.5%, an increase of 5.7% from

text | Yingma

On June 26, 2022, China Quality Report conducted random inspections of shoes worn by children on the market. During the random inspection of nearly 200 batches of shoes, 48 ​​batches were found to be unqualified, with a failure rate of 24.5%, an increase of 5.7% from the last random inspection.

When wearing shoes, we can only know whether the size of the child is appropriate? As for whether the child is comfortable or not, the child may not be able to express it. In many cases, it is difficult for parents to detect problems with shoes right away.

The problems of these batches of children's shoes mainly focus on several aspects.

The soles are too soft.

Many parents hope that the soles are as soft as possible when buying shoes. However, they do not know that shoes that are too soft are detrimental to the development of children. . A study by

shows that nearly 22% of parents think that the softer the shoes, the better.

Jiang Shuyun, director of the Gait and Movement Analysis Center of Yueyang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, mentioned that about 25% to 30% of children in Shanghai have various foot abnormalities such as flat feet and thumb valgus , internal and external horoscopes, knee valgus , O-shaped legs , X-shaped legs.

And now in Shanghai, about 25 to 30% of children have abnormal footsteps.

You must know that the conditions of the families of children in Shanghai will be better, so when choosing shoes for their children, they will have more funds. If you buy brand-name shoes, you will have such problems, and those cheap shoes are probably more problematic.

Shoes contain environmental hormones

Phthalate is a speed-increasing agent, but scientists have found that in addition to making plastic softer, this speed-increasing agent is also an environmental hormone that can Stimulating the secretion of human hormones can cause precocious puberty and will also affect the child's health, affecting the child's liver and kidney function .

Phthalates are found in many plastics, such as children's crawling mats, children's walkers, and strollers, which are places where there is plastic. The shoes worn by children today may also contain phthalates because their soles are made of plastic.

In this test, it was found that the phthalate content of 31 companies' shoes exceeded the standard . Among them, Jiangxi New Balance is also a big brand, and Shunde Bayar is also famous among children's shoes.

Among them, there is a sandal worn by girls. The phthalate content of exceeds the standard by 470 times that of . Such a value is very scary.

The wear resistance of shoes is not up to par.

We will find that almost every pair of shoes worn by children is the same. If the wear resistance of shoes is not up to standard, the shoes may be worn out after a few days of wearing them. The children's long-term wearing of these shoes has worn out the shoes, causing the child to be unbalanced when walking. It affects the child's development and even causes problems such as scoliosis in the child. .

In this inspection, 48 batches of shoes were unqualified , 12 of which had problems with wear resistance, including Shanghai Qibohui Shoes, Zhejiang Huitai Sports Goods, Beijing Jiuding Aoye Clothing Co., Ltd., etc.

Heavy metals exceeding the standard

Children like brightly colored things, so when making children's shoes for children, some products will also pursue bright colors and will add various pigments in the process. If the craftsmanship level does not meet the requirements, , will cause various heavy metals in to exceed the standards of , such as lead, cadmium and arsenic.

During this inspection, it was found that the shoes of Fujian Nan'an Miffy Rabbit Sports Goods Co., Ltd. had a lead content of 3163 mg per kilogram, exceeding the standard by 31 times.

contains the heavy metal hexavalent chromium , which has also been detected in children's shoes. Children do not like to wear socks when wearing shoes in the summer. If there is hexavalent chromium in these sandals, it will enter the body through the child's skin and affect the child. health, because it has a corrosive effect on children's skin, and long-term exposure to may also cause cancer risks .

formaldehyde exceeding the standard

This test found that some infants and young children’s shoes were found to contain formaldehyde exceeding the standard . Because infants and young children prefer brightly colored shoes, in order to prevent the color of these shoes from fading easily, there may be a risk of excessive formaldehyde.

Formaldehyde can cause skin allergies in children and affect their health.

Physical and mechanical safety is unqualified

For example, there are some small pendants on shoes, which may be torn off with very little effort, which can easily lead to the risk of children swallowing them and suffocating them.

So when a mother chooses shoes for her child, she must keep her eyes open and choose suitable shoes for her child.