Educating children is a step-by-step process. There is an old saying among the people: Three years old is considered old, seven years old is considered old. Raising a child cannot be done at will, but it cannot be neglected. Nowadays, mobile phones have become a way of our lives.

Educating children is a step-by-step process.

There is an old saying among the people: Three years old is considered old, seven years old is considered old.

When raising a child, you can’t encourage it, but you can’t neglect it either. Nowadays, mobile phones have become a way of our lives. Even children know that “looking at mobile phones” is a part of life.

Many parents complain that babies like to look at mobile phones when they are still very young, which will cause adverse damage to their eyes. What should we do in the face of this situation?

Some parents are very gentle in their approach, while others are more rough. For example, the following is a female mother from Guizhou. Please tell me, is this approach appropriate?

My mother said that her child loves to play with mobile phones. She should develop good habits for him while he is still ignorant. If he refuses to listen to good words, he can only use some "crooked ideas", so he tied the mobile phone to the child's face and used it. The tape was wrapped tightly, trying to teach him a lesson.

Obviously, the boy was frightened. Because the mobile phone blocked his eyes and could not see other things, he kept crying. Bao's mother posted the video online and angrily said: This is necessary to make him remember. As a result, countless netizens criticized and criticized.

Some people say that parents are too cruel to their children by doing this, and children are not sensible, so they cannot change their living habits randomly. What's more, this is not the child's problem. If the adults don't give him a mobile phone, where can the child get it?

Of course, some people understand that the mother has no choice but to act. Some children will cry all day long without a mobile phone to play with, causing adults to be as big as one or two. They have been spanked, but they feel distressed afterwards and will not spank them for a while. Crying all the time is annoying.

The author has something to say:

I think it is best not to "abuse" this situation, which may cause psychological shadow in the children. In fact, the best way is for parents to lead by example and set a good example. The environment in which they grow up is very important. , if adults don’t play with mobile phones, children won’t play too much.

In fact, in the final analysis, parents are all for the good of their children, but they use different methods when taking educational measures. Some people are gentle, while others are extreme. Education is a very long road, and raising children is not something that can be accomplished in a day. Learn to deal with children and slowly get into their hearts. I believe it will be much easier in the end.

In today's age when the Internet is so developed, it is extremely important to have a good habit. Mobile phones are a double-edged sword, allowing us to feel more joy, but they can also destroy a person's physical and mental health. Try to spend more time with your children's growth. , let them experience a different childhood and not be limited by mobile phones in their development.