DHA is one of the nutrients that many parents are very concerned about, because DHA is beneficial to the development of the baby's brain and vision. However, many parents have this question: My baby is a premature baby. Do I need to supplement the baby with DHA?

DHA is one of the nutrients that many parents are very concerned about, because DHA is beneficial to the development of the baby's brain and vision. However, many parents have this question: My baby is a premature baby. Should I supplement the baby with DHA? The editor is here to give you some popular science.

The body systems of premature infants are generally not fully developed, especially the brain. Supplementing DHA will promote brain development, while also balancing immunity and resisting some diseases.

Why are premature babies prone to lack of DHA

The accumulation of fetal fat in the body mainly occurs in the late pregnancy, that is, the last three months of pregnancy, when the fetal weight increases fastest, but because the baby is born early, the baby has not yet accumulated enough fat. The fat leaves the mother, so less fat is obtained from the mother's body. In addition, the enzyme that converts DHA in premature babies is immature, so it will cause DHA deficiency.

DHA The importance of premature babies

The perfection of the brain and retina of premature babies; visual acuity; neurocognitive function and neuromotor development are all inseparable from DHA. DHA is also helpful for the cognitive development and learning ability of premature babies.

How much DHA

1 should be supplemented by premature babies DHA

1. The European Society of Pediatric Nutrition recommends the daily intake of DHA for premature infants: 12~30mg/kg.

2. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the daily intake of 1 gram for premature infants with low birth weight1000. ≥21mg /kg, the daily intake of those whose birth weight is greater than 1000 gram but less than 1500 gram ≥18mg/kg.

3. There are relatively few studies on infant and young child supplementation DHA in China. There is an expert consensus on DHA supplementation for Chinese pregnant women and infants. It is just mentioned that the daily DHA intake of infants and young children should reach 100mg.

Premature babies do not absorb enough nutrients in the mother's belly. Therefore, parents should pay special attention to the intake of DHA of premature babies. After all, DHA is responsible for human brain development. Necessary nutrients that are beneficial to brain development. Improve newborn's immunity.