From your resume, I see that when you were young, you studied both painting and calligraphy. Was this choice arranged by your parents, or was it your own preference? Answer: Thank you host. Hello listeners! It is a great honor to come to the live broadcast room of Tianjin Literat

I saw from your resume that you studied painting and calligraphy when you were young. Was this choice arranged by your parents, or was it your own preference?

Answer: Thanks to the host. Hello listeners!

is very honored to come to the live broadcast room of Tianjin Literature and Art Radio Station.

My parents did not order me to learn calligraphy and painting. My parents are ordinary workers, working in a brick and tile factory, and their workplace is far away. My family lives in the northeast corner of the old city. I grew up with my grandfather and brother-in-law. I never went to kindergarten. Since I was a child, I have been withdrawn, willful, and don't like to talk. I just draw pictures and read little books every day. If there was something I liked in the pictorial, I would just copy it. Neighbors would send pictures, such as Zhao Yun , Guan Gong , and various animals. I would just copy them and draw them. It was purely my own interest, which is also the nature of most children. Parents in the past did not have so many demands on their children as they do now. When we were young, we were "free-range" in the true sense, and parents would not force our children to attend so many extracurricular tutoring classes. It was truly a "happy childhood." I couldn't even write my own name before I entered school. Painting is my uncle's hobby. He subscribed to the journal "Art" and would draw sketches and sketches every day. Although he never taught me, I was greatly influenced by him. As for writing, I was influenced by my father. He graduated from Chonghua School. When he was a child, he studied Mr. Hua Shikui’s Yankai script. He would always post his posts in front of me, and would often take me to visit Heping Road to view the plaques. , told me the stories of the four great calligraphers in Jinmen: "Hua, Meng, Yan, and Zhao" like countless treasures. From then on, calligraphy was very great and sacred in my heart.

Documentary 1

Documentary 2

A photo of mother and three-year-old brother and sister

A photo of father and mother in junior high school