Liu Nan (pseudonym) found that her child had a fever at night, and she and her lover immediately took her to a nearby hospital for medical treatment. The doctor diagnosed the patient with influenza based on the test results, prescribed some antipyretics and antiviral drugs, and t

Liu Nan (pseudonym) found that her child had a fever at night, so she and her lover immediately took the child to a nearby hospital for medical treatment.

The doctor diagnosed the patient with influenza based on the laboratory test report, prescribed some antipyretics and antiviral drugs, and told him to take antipyretics if the temperature exceeds 38.5°C, and to come to the hospital again if the temperature continues to rise.

But after returning home, Liu Nan (pseudonym) found several big words written on the drug instructions: "Use with caution in patients with liver and kidney dysfunction."

Source: Internet

Liu Nan (pseudonym) immediately concluded that the side effects of this medicine must be serious, so she decided not to give it to her child. Instead, he used a traditional method: he fed the child "hot ginger tea" and covered him with a quilt to let him slowly sweat.

Within 2 days after that, the child's fever came back and forth, but Liu Nan (pseudonym) has been using local methods to help the child reduce the fever. Little did they know that this approach was pushing the child further into the abyss...

At around 2 a.m. on the third day, the child suddenly vomited crazily and couldn't control it. Liu Nan (pseudonym) immediately called 120 for emergency treatment. After calling the hospital, the child was already in a semi-coma state, with shaking limbs, foaming at the mouth, and a body temperature of 41°C. This made Liu Nan (pseudonym) regretful.

-The only person who loves her children the most in the world is mother, because she loves her too much and is too afraid of losing her.

Recently, the number of children visiting the pediatric clinic has increased significantly compared with the same period in previous years. 70% of them are children with colds and fevers. Parents need to pay attention!

Influenza usually occurs most frequently in winter and spring. However, this year's influenza outbreaks started from south to north in summer. Compared with last year, this year's wave of influenza is very strong, and the "hardest-hit areas" are children aged 0 to 14 years old. "There are also many people who think they can just get over it and will not go to the hospital for medical treatment, so the actual number of infected people may be more."

Clinically, acute fevers are generally caused by infection, which stimulates the body temperature regulation center , raising the body's body temperature set point, thereby causing an increase in body temperature. Elevated body temperature has certain positive significance for the body. It can not only mobilize the body's immunity, but also inhibit the growth of infectious microorganisms, because viruses and bacteria usually cannot survive in an environment of 38°C. Therefore, from a health perspective, fever is a protective response to the body, and there is no need to be too afraid of fever.

However, because children’s central nervous system myelin sheath is not fully developed, high fever can easily cause convulsions and even convulsions. Generally speaking, when children's body temperature exceeds 38.5°C, they must take medicine; for sensitive children, when the body temperature exceeds 37.5°C, it can cause obvious discomfort, such as chills, weakness, etc. At this time, appropriate Take medication to relieve discomfort. So it’s not just about getting over it, but scientific medical treatment.

- With global climate warming , extreme weather events occur frequently in cities -

What are the meanings of caution, avoidance and prohibition?

General drug instructions will contain these keywords:

Use with caution, which means that the drug can be used with caution. During use, the medication must be closely observed and discontinued immediately if adverse reactions occur. Most people who need to use it with caution are children, the elderly, pregnant women and patients with poor heart, liver and kidney function. Because the drug metabolism function in these people is poor, the possibility of adverse reactions is high, so they should be used with caution. Use with caution, it doesn’t mean you can’t use it, but you need to be cautious!

should not be used. It has reached the point where it is not suitable for use or repeated use should be avoided. Drugs marked with contraindications indicate that their adverse reactions are relatively clear and the possibility of adverse consequences is greater. But there are generally individual differences. For example, patients with leukopenia and should avoid using oxacillin sodium because this drug can reduce leukocytes.

is prohibited. This is the most severe warning for medication. If it is prohibited, it means it cannot be used.If you are allergic to penicillin , you are prohibited from using penicillin ! glaucoma patients are prohibited from using atropine !

It is important to choose the right medicine, but it is also important to take the medicine correctly.

How should we deal with heat waves?

Heat wave means that the weather continues to be excessively hot and may also be accompanied by high humidity. my country's Meteorological Bureau stipulates that the daily maximum temperature exceeds 35°C as high temperature.

1. When the heat wave comes, slow down the pace of life and reduce strenuous activities.

2. Try to wear light-colored clothes when going out and stay in the shade as much as possible.

3. Eat a light diet, drink more water and less alcoholic beverages.

4. Raise awareness of heat wave prevention, especially for people who are susceptible to high temperatures.