[Source: Henan Maternal and Child Health] Children coughing up blood is also called hemoptysis, but not all blood vomited out of the mouth is hemoptysis. Therefore, if you find that your child is coughing with blood, please do not panic and remember to make two judgments. Judgmen

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[Source: Henan Maternal and Child Health]

[Source: Henan Maternal and Child Health] Children coughing up blood is also called hemoptysis, but not all blood vomited out of the mouth is hemoptysis. Therefore, if you find that your child is coughing with blood, please do not panic and remember to make two judgments. Judgmen - DayDayNews

When a child coughs up blood, it is also called hemoptysis, but not all blood vomited out of the mouth is hemoptysis. Therefore, if you find that your child is coughing with blood, please do not panic and remember to make two judgments.

Judgment 1: Whether it is blood coughed up from the respiratory tract.

Suddenly discovered that the blood vomited out of the child's mouth could come from four possible sources: from the respiratory tract, from the digestive tract, from nasal bleeding flowing back into the mouth, or from bleeding ulcers in the mouth itself. Coughing up blood from the respiratory tract often occurs after a severe cough. Generally, children will not feel local pain, nor will they have symptoms or signs such as nose bleeding, oral ulcers, , or vomiting.

Judgment 2: Whether immediate medical treatment is needed.

If your baby has any of the following symptoms, you must seek medical attention as soon as possible. 1. Coughing up a large amount of blood (see the end of the article for specific criteria); 2. Shortness of breath (the child feels out of breath); 3. Signs of massive blood loss (weakness, dizziness when standing, thirst, sweating, fast heart rate); 4. , weakness or fatigue.

In most cases, hemoptysis is not just blood in the sputum. The cause still needs to be found. It is recommended to see a doctor within 1-2 days. Common causes of coughing and bleeding in children are: 1. Lower respiratory tract infection (bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.); 2. Inhalation of foreign bodies (aspiration). Less common causes are childhood tuberculosis, pulmonary embolism, and less commonly inflammation of the blood vessels in the lungs (vasculitis), such as pulmonary hemorrhage nephritic syndrome and granulomatosis with polyangiitis.

If there is only blood in the sputum, it is often caused by upper respiratory tract infection. Most cases are not urgent. Parents can decide whether they need to seek medical treatment as soon as possible based on symptoms, medical history and other influencing factors. Under normal circumstances, going to the hospital in about 2-3 days will not delay the condition and will not cause harm to the child.

PS: What is massive hemoptysis?

The criteria for massive hemoptysis in children are 100 mL of hemoptysis within 24 hours, or 8 mL/kg of hemoptysis within 24 hours. Please note that the standards for children are different from those for adults!

What to do if your child coughs and bleeds? Please remember two judgments!

[Source: Henan Maternal and Child Health] Children coughing up blood is also called hemoptysis, but not all blood vomited out of the mouth is hemoptysis. Therefore, if you find that your child is coughing with blood, please do not panic and remember to make two judgments. Judgmen - DayDayNews

Pictures come from the Internet

Author: Wei Chen, Department of Pediatric Cardiovascular Endocrinology, Henan Maternal and Child Health Hospital

Reviewer: Li Yan (Department Director)


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