The first period of living in the household is about to come to an end. With great reluctance and infinite gratitude, I bid farewell to this happy and interesting family one by one in my heart. I was thinking, how many blessings have I accumulated in this life to enable me to mee

2024/05/2113:24:33 baby 1444

The first paragraph of the household life is about to come to an end. With great reluctance and infinite gratitude, I bid farewell to this happy and interesting family one by one in my heart. I was thinking, how many blessings have I accumulated in this life to enable me to meet such a beautiful and positive family, and now I have to leave? Unexpectedly, my eyes were filled with tears.

The memory begins half a year ago, when we just met. With joy and desire, I walked into a beautiful family.

The first time I met was my father. Dad is about fifty, and he has the responsibility of respecting the elderly and raising the children, as well as the burden of life for the whole family. He has no regrets. China has been talking about filial piety since ancient times. Many people can say "filial piety", but there are very few people who can truly practice "filial piety". There are also very few people who can move people with "filial piety". My father is one of these rare filial sons. When I first moved into the household, I was lucky enough to meet my 80-year-old grandfather, who was a highly respected man. Later I learned that his health was in critical condition. For my grandfather who lives in a nursing home, my father would ceremoniously bring him over for dinner every weekend. He would cook and make soup himself for every meal. He would be busy all afternoon preparing a table full of his favorite dishes, and then personally pick him up. They respectfully picked up vegetables and served soup to treat grandpa to eat and drink, chatted with him to relieve his boredom, and finally sent grandpa back safely. The father, who was in his fifties, followed his grandfather, obediently like a child, not daring to be late. Later, when my grandfather was hospitalized, my father would greet me in the morning and comfort me in the evening. He would try his best to buy delicious food every day. He also asked me to cook the soft and glutinous seafood millet porridge every day and drive it to my grandfather in person. After cleaning out the cabinet, I learned that my father had bought all kinds of expensive supplements for my grandpa in the past few years. He also bought watches and clothes to give as gifts to please his grandpa. He even planned to take him on a trip around the world just to relax him. During that time, my father was busy with work every day, looked sad, and was worried about his grandfather's health. When he left, among the four sons, he was the one who cried the most with tears in his eyes. In the next hundred days, it will be Grandpa’s birthday, and Dad will carefully prepare Jiayao and worship with all his heart! I think when grandpa passed away, he must have missed him the most. Even the children said: "Dad was so kind to grandpa!"

After grandpa left, dad focused on raising children and said: "Educate the next generation well." It’s more important than any job I have now! I don’t have to do my job, but I have to do my best when it comes to my children. My children are my hope for the future and my greatest wealth!”

My father always has a kind face. But in my impression, the two times I got angry were particularly powerful! One time it was about Shuai Shuai taking money. He hit his beloved son hard with a ruler and said harshly: "Honestly admit who the money belongs to and where you got it from, and apologize!" One time it was Shuai Shuai. The matter of Shuai staying in court. He looked gloomy again. When his son came home, he knelt down, punished and beat him, and yelled and lectured. After a series of rude words, he later chatted with me and told me: "I educate people with two bottom lines: first, character is the most important thing. I can't let him develop the bad habit of telling lies and fooling people, and I can't condone him. Bad habits. If he has a bad character, he will not be able to get along in any circle in the future! 2. In terms of study, I will send him to the best school. He must be down-to-earth and complete the teacher's homework seriously, and cannot let him take advantage of any loopholes. . Always believe in supporting the teacher. The teacher’s detention is his own child’s problem, and it is his own failure to do his homework well. "This is such a father who is filial to his parents and strict with his children, and has set an excellent example of filial piety to his children. , safeguarding the bottom line and principles for the child’s character! I admire parents who don’t overindulge!

The first period of living in the household is about to come to an end. With great reluctance and infinite gratitude, I bid farewell to this happy and interesting family one by one in my heart. I was thinking, how many blessings have I accumulated in this life to enable me to mee - DayDayNews

Meet your mother again. A beautiful and talented dance teacher mother, she can obviously make a living by her looks, and she can obviously be a wealthy wife at home, but she is a bit proud, and she is willing to go out early and come back late, relying on a cup of coffee to withstand the stress of the whole day. The courses are stressful, just for the sake of dance career, just to teach other people's children well, just to let the children gain artistic skills and learn well.If my father's "strictness" lies in his character, then my mother's "strictness" goes even further, paying attention to details, and being "strict" to the point of being maddening! The strictness of

is a kind of high standard and strict requirement, which must be strictly followed and implemented without any objection! For fourth-grade children, each unit's vocabulary paper contains two A4 pages, front and back, with more than 200 words. If one mistake is made (one place is confused), a new copy must be printed and rewritten. Every day's homework, Chinese and English, no wrong questions are allowed, the words are neat, clean, correct, and handed over to the teacher respectfully. Especially in Chinese, if the handwriting is not correct, it can be torn up and rewritten immediately. Composition, word A+ or above, Chinese exercise book, B or C, it’s all going crazy! This is strict study!

The second strictest thing is the practice. The daily time schedule, from morning to afternoon, from language performance class, to dance leg shredding class, to English class in the afternoon, vocal music class in the evening, homework time at home, all arrangements are full, without permission, the next There are strict rules and arrangements for playing ball in the building, taking breaks between classes, dressing and eating. At the end of the day, it's like fighting a war, busy non-stop, and the brain nerves are always tense.

’s mother said: “Now that my child’s material conditions are good, I can’t let him develop the habit of coveting comfort. I want him to learn to endure hardship! The hardship of studying, the hardship of practicing, and the hardship of the teacher’s strict requirements.” Indeed, With my mother's super strict theory, Shuaishuai is indeed a man who, although he is handsome, is never squeamish, very polite, and relies on himself in trouble.

The first period of living in the household is about to come to an end. With great reluctance and infinite gratitude, I bid farewell to this happy and interesting family one by one in my heart. I was thinking, how many blessings have I accumulated in this life to enable me to mee - DayDayNews

finally met grandma. Grandma is also a retired old dance artist. She has an easy-going and calm temperament, is enthusiastic and straightforward, loves beauty, and loves dancing. Although she has just had surgery and is still feeling unwell, she still has to arrange three dance classes a week for herself. She likes it. That kind of lively and dynamic atmosphere among young people.

always has a cheerful look. The real understanding of grandma is compared to Shuaishuai's new composition assignment of the story "The Tortoise and the Hare" in the evening. Before each composition, I would ask him to talk about his ideas first. The 10-year-old Shuaishuai was so imaginative that he made up random things and even talked and performed. What kind of turtle rides on a rocket? What bunny gets on a scooter? After fighting all the way, the rabbit finally won again. I was stunned for a while when I heard it. It was all about competitions, meaningless, but I didn’t know how to watch it on demand!

At this moment, grandma came. After hearing Shuai Shuai’s idea, she shook her head repeatedly and said no, no! Give timely guidance. If you write a composition with good thoughts, the teacher will think you are a good child! Stop your random thoughts! The imagination should also be based on the actual situation. Tell us, give us an example. If I were to write: I would write about a win-win situation for the tortoise and the hare! To put it bluntly, it can be said that the tortoise is very perseverant. His spirit of not giving up and being willing to endure hardships for his goals moved the hare. The hare stopped and waited for the tortoise crawling behind him. Finally, they walked hand in hand to the finish line. One reaction: The theme of "Friendship first, competition second"! How good it is to write like this. The composition should contain positive and positive content! Don't write nonsense for me! Let's talk, Shuai Shuai felt that it made sense. He nodded thoughtfully, grabbed a pen, changed his mind, and reorganized his thinking. Standing by and listening, I was also deeply educated. Yes, writing is about being a human being, and teaching about writing is also about teaching people and thinking! Grandma invisibly taught her children a positive energy lesson!

I think: What is positive family energy? It’s in my father’s teachings of respecting elders, filial piety, and being strict about character; it’s in my mother’s strictness of setting an example and not pampering; it’s in my grandmother’s righteousness of “friendship first” in her composition guidance, and my grandfather’s attitude toward me during his lifetime. The emphasis on the education of the grandchild, the efforts of the elder sister for her dream, the concern of the uncles and uncles for the children's learning, all the bits and pieces of family life, every word and deed, together give birth to a stream of positive family energy that inspires progress! It is this positive energy of the family that will surely build the most beautiful family culture landscape for the next generation of children, which will be memorable for a long time.

I am so grateful that I am lucky enough to be part of this positive energy, and I am reluctant to give it up ~

The first period of living in the household is about to come to an end. With great reluctance and infinite gratitude, I bid farewell to this happy and interesting family one by one in my heart. I was thinking, how many blessings have I accumulated in this life to enable me to mee - DayDayNews

The first period of living in the household is about to come to an end. With great reluctance and infinite gratitude, I bid farewell to this happy and interesting family one by one in my heart. I was thinking, how many blessings have I accumulated in this life to enable me to mee - DayDayNews

The first period of living in the household is about to come to an end. With great reluctance and infinite gratitude, I bid farewell to this happy and interesting family one by one in my heart. I was thinking, how many blessings have I accumulated in this life to enable me to mee - DayDayNews

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