In our country, about 300,000 test-tube babies are born every year. Behind this is the investment of energy and money. An in vitro fertilization costs RMB 20,000 to RMB 30,000 for the surgery alone, and about RMB 60,000 to RMB 80,000 including preoperative examinations, medicatio

2024/05/2101:57:33 baby 1412

In our country, about 300,000 test-tube babies are born every year. Behind this is the investment of energy and money. An in vitro fertilization costs RMB 20,000 to RMB 30,000 for the surgery alone, and about RMB 60,000 to RMB 80,000 including preoperative examinations, medicatio - DayDayNews

In our country, about 300,000 test-tube babies are born every year. Behind this is the investment of energy and money.

When you are worried about the high cost of child care, there are still many people who are worried about "giving birth" .

Public information shows that the number of infertility patients in China exceeds 5,000, and a successful live birth for women of childbearing age requires at least to cost 100,000 yuan, or even more ...

The decision to include assisted reproduction in medical insurance was first expressed The country attaches great importance to fertility. For infertile couples, assisted reproduction is a "life-saving straw"!

In our country, about 300,000 test-tube babies are born every year. Behind this is the investment of energy and money. An in vitro fertilization costs RMB 20,000 to RMB 30,000 for the surgery alone, and about RMB 60,000 to RMB 80,000 including preoperative examinations, medicatio - DayDayNews

Today we will talk about how to be reimbursed after being included in social security? How much can be reimbursed?

In our country, about 300,000 test-tube babies are born every year. Behind this is the investment of energy and money. An in vitro fertilization costs RMB 20,000 to RMB 30,000 for the surgery alone, and about RMB 60,000 to RMB 80,000 including preoperative examinations, medicatio - DayDayNews

IVF is the process of combining sperm and eggs, which is transferred to test tube . After the union is completed, the embryo will be transferred back to the mother's body for pregnancy, and the baby will be born after ten months of pregnancy.

The general IVF operation process is roughly: ovulation induction → egg retrieval and sperm retrieval → culture of fertilized eggs → embryo transfer.

An in vitro fertilization costs 20,000 to 30,000 just for the surgery. Including preoperative examinations, drugs, etc. the cost is about 60,000 to 80,000. If multiple surgeries are required, it is a different matter.

In order to alleviate the financial pressure on families undergoing in vitro fertilization surgery, Beijing first made an attempt.

Let’s take a look first. What exactly are the assisted reproduction projects included in Beijing’s medical insurance?

In our country, about 300,000 test-tube babies are born every year. Behind this is the investment of energy and money. An in vitro fertilization costs RMB 20,000 to RMB 30,000 for the surgery alone, and about RMB 60,000 to RMB 80,000 including preoperative examinations, medicatio - DayDayNews

Seeing the table, most of these 16 assisted reproductive technologies are surgeries and laboratory projects, excluding examination fees and drug fees. They are included in the Class A medical insurance . If it is employee medical insurance, it can be reimbursed 70%.

For example:

If you choose first-generation in vitro fertilization surgery, you will generally go through these items: Comprehensive evaluation of ovulation induction treatment + puncture egg collection + sperm selection + blastocyst culture + embryo morphology evaluation + embryo transfer .

The expense that can be reimbursed is "180+2400+750+1360+410+2300)×70%=5180 yuan ".

In addition, there will be restrictions on the reimbursement hospitals. The requirements are public medical institutions with assisted reproductive qualifications in Beijing. Currently, there are only the following 15 medical institutions that meet the requirements:

In our country, about 300,000 test-tube babies are born every year. Behind this is the investment of energy and money. An in vitro fertilization costs RMB 20,000 to RMB 30,000 for the surgery alone, and about RMB 60,000 to RMB 80,000 including preoperative examinations, medicatio - DayDayNews

Xiaobao would like to remind everyone here that everyone’s situation is different. , the costs will vary depending on the technologies that can be used.

Seeing this, Do you think the city where you live has hope of including assisted reproduction in medical insurance?

In our country, about 300,000 test-tube babies are born every year. Behind this is the investment of energy and money. An in vitro fertilization costs RMB 20,000 to RMB 30,000 for the surgery alone, and about RMB 60,000 to RMB 80,000 including preoperative examinations, medicatio - DayDayNews

Whether you are an expectant mother who became pregnant through IVF technology or an expectant mother who is pregnant naturally, the risks during pregnancy will be greater!

Xiaobao recommends that you buy a maternity insurance to provide better protection for pregnant mothers and babies!

However, you should be careful when buying it. There are not many maternity insurances on the market that can protect IVF. You must understand the terms clearly before buying, otherwise you will not be able to use it after buying it.

In our country, about 300,000 test-tube babies are born every year. Behind this is the investment of energy and money. An in vitro fertilization costs RMB 20,000 to RMB 30,000 for the surgery alone, and about RMB 60,000 to RMB 80,000 including preoperative examinations, medicatio - DayDayNews

With the intervention of medical insurance, IVF technology It will be better applied to those in need, which will alleviate a lot of financial burdens for ordinary families, which is of course good news.

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