Author: Ring the Bell Before giving birth to a child, I never knew that children had to be “interviewed” when entering kindergarten. "interview"? What is "face" and "test"? Wouldn’t it be enough to just sign up and pay the money? In my fantasy, choosing a kindergarten for my chil

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Author: Ring the Bell Before giving birth to a child, I never knew that children had to be “interviewed” when entering kindergarten.

Author: Ring the Bell

Author: Ring the Bell Before giving birth to a child, I never knew that children had to be “interviewed” when entering kindergarten.

Before I gave birth to a child, I never knew that children had to be "interviewed" when entering kindergarten.

"Interview"? What is "face" and "test"? Wouldn’t it be enough to just sign up and pay the money?

In my fantasy, choosing a kindergarten for my children is like an emperor turning over brands.

I was half-lying on the dragon couch, and Yanzu stood beside me, shaking a cattail leaf fan and feeding me lychees. I looked through the resumes of major public and private schools out of boredom, pointing at them:

This one is expensive, that one is far away. Sorry, the teaching staff is not strong enough, and the teacher does not seem to be of high quality.

finally chose one that seemed to be okay in all aspects.

I’m tired of it, that’s all, that’s it.

But when little Gulu was almost 3 years old, I realized that I was thinking too much.

It turns out that the emperor is not me.

I am more likely to be. The tray held by eunuch was on the far left, and the sign that Hua Fei had put on the far side was covered with a thick layer of dust.

The poor concubine who is still in the cold palace waiting eagerly for the emperor to come.

In late June, I heard that the public kindergartens near my home had started the registration process. We applied for the two companies we liked the most, and then we could only wait anxiously for news every day.

Author: Ring the Bell Before giving birth to a child, I never knew that children had to be “interviewed” when entering kindergarten.

When we finally received the text message, our whole family immediately entered a state of combat readiness.

Grandpa and grandma are responsible for the logistics, and mom and dad are responsible for taking the children to the meeting.

I, Aixinjueluo·Liulishang Bingyu·Ringing the Bell, have also ushered in the third important thing in my life besides employment and marriage: children going to school.

(I forgot to take pictures during the meeting, so I inserted some daily photos in the article to make up the numbers)

Author: Ring the Bell Before giving birth to a child, I never knew that children had to be “interviewed” when entering kindergarten.

Author: Ring the Bell Before giving birth to a child, I never knew that children had to be “interviewed” when entering kindergarten.

At 9:30 in the morning, Yanzu, my parents, and I arrived at the famous public kindergarten in the district on time.

Under the guidance of the teacher, we found a bench in the waiting area and sat down.

There were a sea of ​​people around, all of them children. Similar to Little Gulu, each child has several guards on average.

Some are grandparents, some are parents, and some are grandparents and aunts.

How to describe that scene? Have you ever seen " Gambling King " in the old Hong Kong movie? He only needs to put on his coat and look cool with a toothpick in his mouth, and others will help him do the rest.

I have to say that the kindergarten is really good at coaxing children. In the waiting area, there is a place to read picture books, a place to play with toys, and a huge TV showing cartoons, with many children sitting under it. , parents can’t even catch it.

Little Gulu sat on the floor holding a large box of toys, and the four of us adults stood there in a daze for about forty minutes.

At the critical moment when the battery of my mobile phone was only 4%, the classroom door opened. A teacher's head sticks out from inside:

Come in, Liu XX children and parents.

Yanzu and I responded. Holding Little Gulu in hand, he walked in uneasily.

Author: Ring the Bell Before giving birth to a child, I never knew that children had to be “interviewed” when entering kindergarten.

Author: Ring the Bell Before giving birth to a child, I never knew that children had to be “interviewed” when entering kindergarten.

There are three benches in the empty classroom.

should be for parents and children.

Not far away is a long table, on which three female teachers in kindergarten uniforms are sitting.

That should be the "interviewer".

(Explain here, the so-called "interview", I later learned that it is actually a program that allows the kindergarten to get an overview of the students and parents it is about to recruit. The chat stage is to treat everyone equally. I even I have 200,000 followers on Weibo and I don’t even have a chance to mention it.)

The eyes of the three of them moved with our footsteps. In just a few steps, I felt as if I had gone through a vast expanse of land -

I swallowed hard at this oppressive feeling, it was so much more stressful than applying for a job at a big factory.

We walked to the bench and just sat down when a greeting came from the opposite side: "Hello, kid Liu XX!"

is here! coming! The first test is coming!

My butt quickly lifted up like it was on fire. He stood up and patted Little Gulu, "Hurry up and call the teacher!"

Little Gulu didn't answer, and just slipped to the left.

I took a closer look and saw that there was a toy table over there.

I sighed in my heart, and clearly heard Yanzu also sighing, "A child cannot be taught."

The teacher on the far right smiled and was reasonable: It’s okay, baby, let’s go play. We mainly want to ask the parents a few questions.

is here! coming! The second test is coming!

Author: Ring the Bell Before giving birth to a child, I never knew that children had to be “interviewed” when entering kindergarten.

Author: Ring the Bell Before giving birth to a child, I never knew that children had to be “interviewed” when entering kindergarten.

For a 33-year-old woman who has been in the workplace for several years, "interview questions" are nothing.

For example, I answered the teacher’s previous questions about how parents would view the country’s newly promulgated Family Education Promotion Law and what kind of person they expected their children to be in the future.

The three teachers exchanged glances and nodded. I saw them in my eyes. I think little Gulu will be able to go to school now!

Unexpectedly, the teacher on the right next made a big move.

"Parents, if there is a conflict between two children in the kindergarten, child A beats the other child B with a bench until he is bruised. The parent of child B who was beaten asks the child who hit him to transfer to another kindergarten. As a parent, what do you think about this matter? ?”

Yanzu, who had not intervened before, now felt that he had a place to use. He looked at me with firm eyes, and I looked back at him with encouraging eyes, motioning for you to speak.

He immediately raised his hand, full of confidence.

"I think it depends on the other parent. I will first go to the kindergarten to ask for monitoring and understand the ins and outs. If parent A's quality is indeed too low and the child has no education, then I will definitely work with other parents to let them transfer to the kindergarten. !”

! After hearing this, my eyes darkened, my throat felt sweet, and I almost spat out a mouthful of blood. I hurriedly pressed his shoulder with my hand, saying, don't speak again!

"Teachers, let me add that I have some other opinions. In collective life, it is normal for children to have conflicts. Every child may be a perpetrator or a victim. Parents must have this attitude. Psychological expectations. As parents, we will make judgments based on what the kindergarten says. Generally speaking, if there is no major problem, we will try our best to support the kindergarten's handling methods and trust the kindergarten. Otherwise, we would not send our children to you. ."

After saying this, I looked at them with my heart pounding, and the teacher also looked at me with a smile.

"Okay, thank you for your answers. You can go and wait for the news. If it passes, we will send you a notification."

I quickly pulled little Gulu back and asked him to tell the teacher. goodbye! He waved his hand obediently and said goodbye to the teacher, and then the three of us rushed out of the classroom like bereft dogs. Because I was so panicked, I couldn't even open the classroom door. The teacher came over and opened it for me, and I thanked him. After walking a few steps, I found that my child's vaccination book and other information had not been taken out, so I rushed in to get the information. .

The first kindergarten meeting with my children in my life ended hastily.After the meeting, I chatted with them in the mother group in the community and found that the difference between children is really huge:

A After the parents answered the questions, the baby was still playing. When the mother said we were leaving, the baby took away the playthings and pushed the stool back under the table.

I was dumbfounded after hearing this. This kid’s quality is too high.

B parent, the child did not say hello to the teacher when he entered, so he went to play by himself. I left without saying goodbye to the teacher. The teacher smiled and said that if you don’t say goodbye, you will really never see me again.

I was frightened when I heard this, and my parents were also scared to death. Isn’t this sentence too profound?

After a round of chatting, I felt that being a parent is not easy. Buddhist parents like us are okay, but those who are more demanding may be so nervous about school that they can’t eat or sleep well.

As parents, we have done everything we can. The next thing is to wait for the results together. I didn’t expect that going to kindergarten would be more stressful than me waiting for the college entrance examination to check my scores.

I’m really afraid of not being selected.

Author: Ring the Bell Before giving birth to a child, I never knew that children had to be “interviewed” when entering kindergarten.

About the author: Ring the Bell, Changsha Sagittarius, wild emotional writer. New book "Girl, your life is too soft"

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