When it comes to the issue of bathing children, parents are also very distressed. When it comes to how old they are, they no longer need to bathe their children. Of course, parents' idea is that the sooner the better, so that their hands can be free. Parents with children should

2024/05/1110:40:33 baby 1631

When it comes to the issue of bathing children, parents are also very distressed. When it comes to how old they are, they no longer need to bathe their children. Of course, parents’ idea is that the sooner the better, so that their hands can be free. Parents with children should all have the same experience, that is, bathing their children is a particularly hard task.

Of course, in addition to being troublesome for parents to bathe their children, there is another issue that has caused a lot of discussion. That is, when the son or daughter is older, the mother or father should not bathe the child. This is very detrimental to the child's physical and mental development. , some parents said it doesn't matter, and the discussion was quite high. Some parents said that they have already trained their children to take baths independently.

When it comes to the issue of bathing children, parents are also very distressed. When it comes to how old they are, they no longer need to bathe their children. Of course, parents' idea is that the sooner the better, so that their hands can be free. Parents with children should  - DayDayNews

When my daughter gets older, will my father not be able to give her a bath?

Actually, there is no strict conclusion . After all, under special circumstances, only fathers can bathe their daughters. Normally, when children are html around 12 years old, they will have a certain degree of gender awareness. At this time, if parents can pass share a bath, or when give him a bath, provide relevant education , which can help children understand the differences between men and women well, satisfy their curiosity, and also allow them to correctly distinguish between men and women. .

What's more important is that during the bathing process, you can convey some self-protection awareness to your children. You must know that wrong education methods may cause some misleading to children, such as avoiding children's questions, or deliberately avoiding children wearing clothes. Clothes and bathing, do not want to have too much contact with the child, just avoid it, did not explain in detail.

When it comes to the issue of bathing children, parents are also very distressed. When it comes to how old they are, they no longer need to bathe their children. Of course, parents' idea is that the sooner the better, so that their hands can be free. Parents with children should  - DayDayNews

will make children more curious. If they cannot find the answer from their parents, they will find the answer in other ways or other channels. Among them, may give wrong guidance to the child's psychology and behavior. , it will not be good to develop the habit of peeping at .

Normally, after the child is 3 years old, he will gradually become embarrassed and realize that his body is not the same as that of his mother or father, and he will be ashamed to let his parents of the opposite sex bathe him. When this happens, he is actually giving him a bath. Parents send a signal. At this time, parents of the opposite sex can free their hands and no longer need to bathe their children.

Also, after some children go to school, they come into contact with more people, and they will also feel curious. In order to prevent the children from having bad behaviors or wrong psychology, and not having the correct sense of self-protection, causing themselves to be harmed, It is recommended that parents of the opposite sex should not bathe their children when they are around 3 years old, and should seize the good opportunity of sex education before then.

When it comes to the issue of bathing children, parents are also very distressed. When it comes to how old they are, they no longer need to bathe their children. Of course, parents' idea is that the sooner the better, so that their hands can be free. Parents with children should  - DayDayNews

If same-sex parents cannot bathe their children due to special reasons, and only opposite-sex parents can help wash them, you should communicate with the children clearly, explain the reasons clearly, and tell the children that they are only bathing them temporarily, and the father or mother should communicate with them Our bodies are different. Since they are different, we must learn to protect ourselves.

When children grow up, they need to bathe themselves. What should I do if they don’t want to?

Solve the problem of children's concerns

Children are unwilling to bathe by themselves. First, they have not developed a bathing habit. Second, they are afraid of washing their hair. Third, they want to be closer to their parents. Regarding the first point, parents should gradually establish this habit for their children. They can learn from their family's behavioral habits and set an example to help their children form their awareness. Then they can watch relevant videos through related picture books or electronic products to tell their children not to What kind of problems can a bath cause?

When it comes to the issue of bathing children, parents are also very distressed. When it comes to how old they are, they no longer need to bathe their children. Of course, parents' idea is that the sooner the better, so that their hands can be free. Parents with children should  - DayDayNews

Afraid of washing hairThe key point is that parents do not do the preliminary work. When bathing their children, they do not wash their children's hair correctly, causing water or shampoo to flow into the eyes and ears. It has cast a shadow on the child. If you want to change the child's mind, you need to correct this mistake and make the child feel comfortable washing his hair, which will also help the child take a bath independently.

Bathing your child is indeed a good opportunity to get close to your parents, especially since you have to go to work every day and only have some time at night. Your child does not want to miss this opportunity. You can tell your child that bathing by yourself can also give you a chance to get close to your parents. After washing, Just take a bath, and you can also tell your child which times are the exclusive times for your child to be close to you.

When it comes to the issue of bathing children, parents are also very distressed. When it comes to how old they are, they no longer need to bathe their children. Of course, parents' idea is that the sooner the better, so that their hands can be free. Parents with children should  - DayDayNews

Transition slowly and patiently educate

children to take baths on their own. Don't be too hasty. You should pave the way from an early age so that children can slowly and consciously resist their parents' bathing. Furthermore, parents need to improve their children's self-discipline awareness , not only in bathing, but also in other aspects of hygiene, such as brushing teeth, washing face, and changing clothes frequently. These should be taught from an early age. .

Cultivate the good habit of doing things independently from an early age.

We must cultivate children's autonomy in all aspects, from eating to dressing, to going to the toilet. , and slowly expand to larger things. When children's awareness of autonomy increases, From now on, the child will be able to take care of himself and will not need to be bathed by his parents. You can start with the children picking up their toys themselves, and they should be told from an early age that they must pick up toys or other items themselves if they are thrown away. The children will gradually realize that things cannot be thrown away casually, and autonomous behavior can gradually be established.

When it comes to the issue of bathing children, parents are also very distressed. When it comes to how old they are, they no longer need to bathe their children. Of course, parents' idea is that the sooner the better, so that their hands can be free. Parents with children should  - DayDayNews

Opposite-sex parents don’t have to worry too much about bathing their children. As long as they can give their children a correct awareness of the distinction between men and women and respond to the signals sent by their children in a timely manner, it will not affect the physical and mental development of their children. It is easy to have an excessive impact. Parents need to be reminded not to be too shy in front of their children. Some knowledge needs to be taught.

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