Written in front: Hi, 27 years old, I have always understood that meeting you is inevitable, but I did not expect that I would experience so many setbacks and difficulties on the road to meeting you. During this period, I experienced the happiness of friends, the warmth of my par

is written in front:

Hi, 27 years old. Hello, I have always understood that meeting you is inevitable, but I did not expect that I would experience so many setbacks and difficulties on the road to meeting you.

During this period, I experienced the happiness of friends, the warmth of my parents, the interruption of worries, the advancement of my studies, and the hard work of my career. These experiences made me richer and more open-minded.

I want to tell you here today that I understand a lot when I am 27 years old. No matter how many theories I have heard before, after personal experience, I will find that practice brings true knowledge.

In the future, I will still be a warm girl, always with a sincere heart. I would like to share this with everyone.

1, Tsai Kang-yong once said that when you were 15 years old, you found swimming difficult and gave up swimming. When you were 18 years old and met someone you liked and asked you to go swimming, you had to say: "I can't do it." When you were 18 years old, you found English difficult and gave up on it. When you were 28 years old, you found a job that was very good and suitable for you but required you to speak English, so you had to say "I can't." The scariest thing in life is living with regrets at the same time.

2. If you are right, there is no need to lose your temper; if you are wrong, you have no right to lose your temper.

3. Tell yourself that you must remain confident. There is no need to feel inferior. Accept your shortcomings and then slowly change them.

4. Only when you do something yourself will you know what the result will be. Instead of others saying a hundred words, it is better to take one step yourself.

5, Huang Bo said: "When you succeed, the people around you are good people."

6. You must learn to control your own life, and don't let life take you away.

7. There is an answer to everything, it’s just that we are too lazy to look for it.

8. People who are influenced by a good environment will eventually succeed.

9. People are not afraid of losing, but they are afraid that no better person can replace them after losing.

10. Before you want to get anything, ask yourself whether you can afford the corresponding price.

11. The confusion in the twenties is almost everyone's inevitable path. It occurs when you cross the threshold of graduation, so don't be anxious, things will eventually pass.

12. There is not much right or wrong. It’s just because you don’t agree with the other person’s views, so don’t waste your time on these little things.

13. If you can’t squeeze into the world, don’t force yourself to squeeze in. It is difficult for others and it is also harmful to oneself.

14. Not all parents’ words are right, and not all parents’ love is selfless.

15. University is not the “liberation” that teachers say, it is just a different learning environment.

16. Love is not everything in life. It is love that is often easy to give up. Making yourself better is the most important thing in life.

17. If you have something to say, speak it out. Don’t keep it in your heart. Over time, your mind will become closed.

18. There are rare opportunities to reunite in life, so you must be "hard" when saying goodbye to your friends.

19. Whatever can be obtained easily will never be cherished.

20. You are really lucky to see this. Let me tell you secretly: The self-media era is really an important opportunity for us to change our destiny. If you seize it, you will be one step closer to success.

21. Don’t be embarrassed to refuse, because the person who asked you for the request will never feel embarrassed.

22. Those who want to take you home will come from all directions; those who want to eat with you will love both sweet and bitter food; those who want to see you will come from thousands of miles away.

23. You must live alone once in your life. You must try living alone. You will find how happy you are without being affected by others.

24. If it is inappropriate, it is inappropriate. No matter how you make do with it, it will be useless.

25. Our life is not for houses and cars. Don’t let these substances tie you down.

26. In the Internet age, many skills can be found online. learning methods . Don’t always think that you can’t learn without being taught. People who master “self-learning ability” will learn more efficiently than others.

27. Please remember the [Crocodile Rule] when you find that you have made a mistake, please stop your losses immediately!

28. The best way to get along with adults is to take care of yourself and avoid bothering others.

29. Cherish your time in college. Four years can be exaggerated into a moment. After graduation, you will want to go back to school from time to time.

30. Don’t fall in love with someone too quickly, especially when you know nothing about him or her. If you want to understand him, start by looking around him.

31. When you want to learn a skill, don’t impulsively learn or consume impulsively. Three minutes of popularity may be your end.

32. Grades cannot determine everything for you. It is not scary to have a low starting point, but it is scary not to make changes all the time.

33. It is a waste of time to dwell on the past. Never complain about what has happened.

34. Your self-control is closely related to your future. If you want to grasp a better future, you must learn to improve your self-control.

35. "Eighty percent of the difficulties in life can be solved with money, and the remaining 20% ​​can also be faced with money." Being self-disciplined in making money is the right thing to do. own investment.

36. This article cannot help you actually get rich. I only hope that you will have more insights in your daily life, think of it when you encounter it, and avoid detours.

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Author introduction:

Tang Ju, a post-95s Internet employee, loves writing and relies on writing To achieve economic plus one, focus on self-media writing and personal improvement, and improve learning attitude.