Even when some people grow up, they will still remember some things that happened when they were children. At that time, we were very sad and sad when we heard these things said by others, but we always thought that it was our own problem.

Introduction: When we were still young and ignorant, and didn’t know much about the world, we might have suffered from many people’s non-verbal remarks.

Even when some people grow up, they will still remember some things that happened in childhood. At that time, we were very sad and sad when we heard these words said by others, but we always thought that it was our own problem.

When you are not tall enough, you may be called a second-degree disabled person. When you are taller and don't usually wear skirts, you may be called a manly woman.

They don’t know how much harm these languages ​​​​have caused to our bodies and minds, and they always laugh it off. Even as we grow up, we still sometimes get this type of body shaming.

They always think about many problems from their own subjective consciousness. Although it is not true, they talk about it as if it really happened.

"Second degree disabled", "manly woman"... How many girls have been hurt by these body shamings?

Conclusion: No matter your age, no matter how big or small you are Poor or rich, no matter what your profession, no matter you are tall or petite, no matter if you are plump or slim, body shaming affects almost all girls Will encounter it.

This is also a topic that girls cannot avoid as they grow up, and some of the more serious ones may become a shadow that girls cannot get rid of throughout their lives.

Many people like to use their own aesthetics to point fingers at others. They make malicious jokes and mocking words to make girls think that not meeting the standards is a kind of ugliness.

These knots may accompany girls for a long time, or even for a lifetime, so every girl should firmly believe that her own beauty can only be determined by herself. When encountering this kind of body shaming, we should fight back strongly, because this is not our problem, it is their narrow-mindedness.