Time flies, and many beautiful things can only be reproduced through memories. I never thought that "youth" would be fleeting. When I opened the yellowed title page and read it again and again, I realized that youth is a hasty book... Those days when I wanted to grow up once felt

Time flies, and many beautiful things can only be reproduced through memories. I have never thought that "youth" is fleeting. When I opened the yellowed title page and read it again and again, I realized that youth is a hasty book...

Those days when I wanted to grow up once felt so long. I always want to leave behind the mountains of wild flowers, I want to raise the fish and shrimps I catch, and I also want the popsicles in my hands to never melt. That glass-like childlike heart contains beautiful years.

In the midsummer when I was seventeen years old, I had just graduated from junior high school and wanted to pursue my dream and fight to the end of the world. However, seeing the frosty hair growing on my parents’ temples, I decided to go to a strange foreign country alone. I also want to drink and talk happily, I also want to find a close friend, I also want my parents back home to straighten my stooped waist for me, and my warm and persistent heart carries care and future.

In the blink of an eye, life is no longer confusing. When I look back, I suddenly realize that all the efforts I have made in my life are just for the people around me to be satisfied with me. On the way, I suddenly realized that all I had left was a blurry and tired face, and a road from which I could no longer turn back.

Sometimes I feel that my failure to learn to smoke is a fatal flaw, because when I am troubled, I also want to exhale my depression into a series of smoke rings and take a deep breath to soothe my vicissitudes of life. The end of all hardships seems to be the best comfort to survive. The heart that sees the world is full of determination and responsibility.

As spring passes and autumn comes, life has carved the poetry of time on our faces; as the four seasons change, there are always different flowers blooming in our dreams; every open window has warm sunshine pouring in; every kind smile , all contain touching joy; every lamp in the middle of the night exudes the light of love.

I know that no matter how time changes or how life treats me, I will eventually wave my sincere oar through the river of time. Life is a kind of perception. Setbacks will come and go, pain will come, and so will happiness. I will accept every bit of beauty I can feel in this world, including love, and I will also pack the love and personal touches along the way into the bag of life, including tears! I will also present every ray of excitement in my life because of beauty, including sincerity!

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