Some people are just here to consume you! He gives you happiness, but steals your blessings. If you are with a person and everything else goes wrong except for some shallow happiness, this is the person who is consuming your blessings. Regardless of love or friendship, without ex

Some people are just here to consume you!

He gives you happiness, but steals your blessings.

If you are with a person, except for some superficial happiness, everything else is not going well. This is the person who consumes your blessings.

Regardless of love or friendship, without exception, first learn to identify and stay away from those who consume you. I didn't notice it before

, but after recalling it recently, I feel that this statement is particularly accurate. I don’t know if you have noticed it. If not, you can also recall: Since we met friend A and had more interactions with him, most of what he brought to me was negative energy. As long as we are together, either drinking, singing, or playing mahjong, the brief happiness will become more empty and boring. At the same time, I feel like everything has never gone smoothly since I met him.

But meeting another friend B is different. Since I met him, we have done positive things together, received positive energy, and he can also give me some good suggestions and opinions. Many things tend to go smoothly, and everything goes smoothly!