My hometown is in the countryside, surrounded by mountains and rivers. After dinner, I opened the back door and was shocked by the big, round super moon over there. It was so beautiful and bright. It looks like a mountain from a distance. The night in the countryside is quiet, an

My hometown is in the countryside. My home is surrounded by mountains and next to a river. After dinner, I opened the back door of the house and was shocked by the big and round super moon over there. It was so beautiful and very bright. It looks like a mountain from a distance. The night in the countryside is quiet, and this full moon night is so romantic. It was the first time I saw such a big, round and bright moon in my hometown.

Watching the super moon in my hometown

The moon is reflected in the farmland, which is poetic and picturesque, with beautiful artistic conception. I admire the moon and recite poetry. I miss my relatives in the city. It would be great if they could go home and enjoy the moon together! They are busy with work and rarely return to their hometowns except during holidays. I really look forward to the scene of the family sitting together and admiring the moon, reunited. "The bright moon shines on the sea, and the moon is the brightness of my hometown." My hometown, I'm back, I'm back to see the old man, enjoy the moon with the old man, drink tea, eat and chat under the moon. Although other young people in my family work in the city, I come back to see the elderly when I have time. The young people want to bring the old man to the city, but the old man is unwilling to go. The moon is the brightness of his hometown. The old man does not like the high-rise buildings in the city. He loves the tranquility of his hometown and guards his hometown. What remains unchanged is his nostalgia.

htmlOctober is the hometown of Ming

. The old man insists on doing farm work every day. I am a farmer, guarding this hot land, working hard, growing vegetables, raising chickens, and having enough food and clothing. Work at sunrise and return at sunset, do not stay up late, live a simple life, and feel happy. The old man is over 90 years old and is still doing farm work, growing vegetables, raising chickens, going to the market, etc., and is in good health. This is the secret of longevity for rural elderly people.

Vegetables grown by the old man

Bitter melon planted by the old man

Vegetables and ginger planted by the old man

The vegetables and fruits grown by the old man grow well, and they are cultivated and watered hard every day.