We often overlook the significance of time freedom in life. In fact, time freedom has the supreme status and vital role in human life. I didn't have such a deep understanding of time before.

We often ignore the significance of time freedom in life. In fact, time freedom has the supreme status and vital role in human life.

Before, I didn’t have such a deep understanding of time. Three hundred and sixty-five days a year, twenty-four hours a day, everyone is equal. Time is the most even and fair distribution in human history. No matter whether you are poor or rich, whether you are a powerful person or a commoner, no one can get a second more. It's impossible to get more than one day. When I was working, I was busy with transactional work every day. I often felt that there was not enough time. I was often tired of working overtime day and night, and I even wished I could break an hour in half. Time becomes a pointer to task progress and loses its true meaning.

At that time, time belonged to the organization, the unit, duties and responsibilities. I never felt that time also belonged to myself and my family. In the past, when holidays were approaching and Kou asked me when I would go home, I would basically answer, "I'm not sure yet." It is indeed impossible to be sure, because it is unknown how much private time the public can give me, and when and how long it will give me. Even if you go out on business, you still need to be on time. Therefore, there is no concept of time in my plan.

feels that he can determine and arrange his own time. After quitting the front-line job, he has relatively free time and can flexibly control it. In addition, my successor leaders and colleagues in the unit were caring and tolerant to me. They did not arrange specific work for me and only did some auxiliary tasks. This also made my time relatively rich and at my own disposal.

After retiring a few days ago, all the time is basically his own. There is no need to rush to work every day to swipe attendance cards, and there is no need to rush to meetings and files like when I was working. There are no more piles of files and work arrangements on the desk, which can make people breathless. From then on, I can be calm and unhurried every day, turn off my mobile phone at night, and don’t need an alarm clock to wake me up in the morning. Even if I wake up at eight or nine o’clock, I can stay in bed for a while as long as I want.

Living such a free and easy life, Fang feels that the freedom of time is the true freedom of an individual.

Everyone has various desires for freedom. Financial freedom, food freedom, travel freedom, etc., but few people think about time freedom.

recently saw a piece of content on a video account and felt deeply about it. A master's degree student from a well-known 985 university worked in an Internet company as a senior executive after graduation, with a generous annual salary. At the peak of his career development, he quit his job and lived around. He did part-time jobs when he had no money, and continued to travel when he had money. A reporter interviewed him, saw that he looked like a homeless person, and offered to provide him with help. He declined on the spot, saying that he didn't need money, but only time. This made the reporter stunned. He said that his wish was to "wander" across the country and visit the magnificent mountains and rivers.

In an era of rapid development, everyone strives for their own dreams and realizes their ideals. This should and is necessary, at least to achieve the freedom of ideals. But I believe that all human efforts and struggles should ultimately return to the freedom of time. Only the freedom of time is the most important and essential freedom in life.

Before I retired, I was invited by an organization to work on some pretext, but I politely declined the offer. After finally getting through it, how can I be a slave to work again when I can control my time freely? I must cherish this hard-won freedom and become the master of time.

In the days to come, I will first take good care of my health and try my best to make up for the previous losses. I wander around Poole every day, read a book, code when I am interested, and feel at ease. After I recover and the new epidemics in various places are basically eliminated, I want to take Poole for a walk, and then take turns living in Jiangnan and Minnan , and be a free and carefree man. This is my wish after retirement. It is a wish that I had before retirement. Now, I have achieved time freedom, which is the most important foundation for me to travel around the world in the future.