I am Xia Xiaoxi, focusing on personal growth and life insights. Click above to follow and grow with me! [Breeze] Hello, I’m Xia Xiaoxi~ I officially started doing self-media in January and published my first article. In February, I did a simple review summary. Everything seemed t

I am Xia Xiaoxi, focusing on personal growth and life insights. Click above to follow and grow with me!


Hello, I am Xia Xiaoxi~

In January, I officially started doing self-media and published my first article. In February, I did a simple review summary. Everything seemed to be developing well. But in March and April, I stopped updating.

Everyone’s journey will not be smooth sailing, there will be periods of confusion, and when there is still no hope after hard work, there will inevitably be wavering.

It doesn’t matter if you waver, whether you are striding forward or stumbling, as long as you keep moving forward, you will eventually reach the end.

About work

  • The public account published 11 pieces of content

The public account published 11 articles this month, including 7 original articles, 2 reprints, and one contribution.

I am very lucky. Three of the seven original articles have become popular, two of them have been read more than 5,000 times, and one has been read more than 10,000. These three popular articles have also increased my fans from 240 to 600.

This is a great encouragement to me. I am very happy to be liked by more than 600 people. I hope to be with you in the coming days.

In addition, Xiaoxi started soliciting submissions and successfully included two articles.

If you have ideas, content, and want to earn a little money, you are welcome to contribute, but please pay attention to the submission rules when submitting!

  • has officially started operating Xiaohongshu

I think Xiaohongshu is the most worthwhile platform and is friendly to novices. If you are lucky, you can start an account in a month and have thousands of fans. Such data is not available on other platforms. I can't even think of it.

In May, I started to test the waters in Xiaohongshu and posted three notes, which were tepid. After careful consideration, I changed the style, cover, and planning content, and started again in June, posting 21 notes and holding hands with 1,200 cuties.

I have to admit that it is not difficult to do self-media, but it is not easy either. Those self-media practitioners who easily earn tens of thousands a month have years of obscurity behind them. Generating power for love, no matter whether there are results or not, persistence is a matter of course. Something cool!

About learning

  • Read 3 books

To be honest, I experienced some things in May and my mood was very bad. That month I almost lived and ate in my workplace, and I didn't dare go home for fear that my parents would be worried.

I realized that there will always be some low points in life, which you need to get through by yourself. Others can only encourage and guide you, and you have to walk the real path yourself.

It is very necessary to have a comprehensive understanding of yourself, to know yourself deeply, and to learn to love yourself.

In order to relieve my depression, I started reading psychology books. In June, I read three books, "The Courage to Be Disliked", "Writing from the Heart, Let Writing Lead to Healing", "Your 8760 Hours in a Year" ",

strongly recommends "The Courage to Be Hated", You can't be liked by everyone. In this case, just do what you want to do and become the person you want to be. It doesn't matter even if you are hated, your life I should live for you.

  • started writing reading cards

Suddenly I discovered a problem. I have read a lot of books in the past few months, but when I was writing and outputting, my brain went blank and I couldn't start writing.

After thinking deeply, I found that this is a problem of the time interval between input and output. You do learn knowledge when typing, but if you don’t output it in time, your brain begins to forget it. By the time you start writing, you have almost forgotten all the books you read.

is very lucky. I received an invitation from Sangsang in early June and joined the reading card knowledge planet. When I have insights from reading, I output them in a timely manner, paraphrase them in my own words, add personal experience to deepen my understanding, and internalize it as my own.

I wrote 3 reading cards in June, which are not many. I plan to have 15 in July. Only by reading and outputting in time can we absorb the knowledge to the greatest extent.

About life

  • Get a driver's license and become a novice driver

I have always believed that you don't have to drive, but you can't do it, you have tried it, you have it, and you are qualified to say you don't like it.

The college vacation is an excellent time to learn to drive. Unfortunately, I did not seize the opportunity and started to sign up to learn to drive after graduation.

I went to practice driving and take exams after work. After two exam postponements during the epidemic, I finally got my driver's license and can drive by myself for fun in the future.

  • Celebrating my mother’s birthday

I feel ashamed that I have never celebrated my mother’s birthday. There is no doubt that my mother loves me, but I have forgotten to give back.

June 30th was my mother’s birthday. I went to pick up cakes and buy groceries just before noon. The two big bags full made it a bit difficult for me to ride a bicycle, but I was very happy on the way, and the happiness in my chest overflowed.

I am really happy to pay for the ones I love!
I am very satisfied with my life now. I have a job I like, things I love, and best friends who can listen to my thoughts at any time. When I miss my mother, I can go home immediately. It couldn’t be better!


2022 is a breakthrough year, I took the first step.

In May, I fell into an emotional low and was unable to recover. I started reading books to learn self-healing.

Start again in June, strive to get closer to the light, follow the light, become the light, and radiate the light.

2022Halfway has passed. There may be confusion and unknown difficulties in the second half of the year, but we still have to work hard!

I may be moving slowly, but I keep moving forward.

Because I always believe: If you do things in March and April, you will have the answer by August or September.

and above, encourage each other [heart]

Past wonderful

After one year of self-discipline, I met a better self

After stopping the internal friction, my life was cheating

21 signs of a person starting to waste

Author introduction

Xia Xiao Xi, a young lady born in 1995, lives seriously, discovers beauty, and hopes to live the way she wants.