1. In the past, drinking and singing were called class. Nowadays, I live a low-key life, work hard to make money, and spend more time with my family, which is called reliable. No matter how good you are or how rich you are, doing things that match your age is called responsibilit

1. In the past, drinking and singing were called class. Nowadays, I live a low-key life, work hard to make money, and spend more time with my family, which is called reliable. No matter how good you are or how rich you are, doing things that match your age is called responsibility!

2. The best comfort in the world is not to tell the other person "Everything will be fine", but to say with a grimace "Cry your ass, you see, I am worse off than you".

3. Some truths can only be understood after being bruised and bruised. Some emotions should only be cherished after they are irreversible. Too much sorrow and misfortune in life are caused by one's own high vision and low hand.

4. Time is the most deceptive, but it can also make you understand that there is nothing in this world that cannot be lost. What leaves is the scenery, what remains is life. The person left until the end is the right person.

5. The greatest tragedy in society is not the arrogance of bad people, but the silence of good people.

6. Everyone has some unacceptable parts in their character, no matter how beautiful people are. So don’t be harsh on others, don’t blame yourself, and don’t try your best to be liked. ——A rose has thorns because it is a rose.

7. Success means: when you are in your twenties, work for good people; when you are in your thirties, cooperate with good people; when you are in your forties, find good people to work for you; when you are in your fifties, , turn others into excellent people.

8. In life, there are no obstacles that cannot be overcome, and there are no people that we cannot live without. Some difficulties are gone once you stand up; some people are cruel and forget them; some hate is released with a smile.

9. Comment less on other people's affairs, review and clean up your own affairs more, do a good job for yourself, and use the extra energy to help and care for others, and try to be kind. Otherwise, you are just a person joining in the fun, not a good medicine.

10. Life is always a dilemma. No matter how persistent you are, no matter how unwilling you are, you have to learn to accept those things that are gradually no longer pure. From crying and accusing, to treating with a smile, in the end, it was just a happy-go-lucky affair.

11. When you surpass others by a little bit, others will envy you; when you surpass others by a large margin, others will envy you.

12. When we were young, we were Sun Wukong : naughty and making a lot of noise. When we were young, we were Zhu Bajie : Dare to love and dare to hate. In our prime, we are sha monk: hard-working, honest and loyal. When we are old, we are like Monk Tang: verbose and troublesome.

13. When you become more and more beautiful, someone will naturally pay attention to you; when you become more and more capable, someone will naturally think highly of you. Only by changing yourself can you have confidence and your dreams will slowly come true.

14. When everyone becomes truly strong, they have to go through a period of time when no one can help or support them. I do everything by myself, and only I know all my emotions. But as long as you grit your teeth and push through, everything will be different.

15. Those who seem to be magnanimous do not have no emotions, but they know that their goals are far more important than their emotions. Having no temper is not something you are born with, but the responsibility on your shoulders is overwhelming. Before you can become the person you want to be, you must remember that your emotions must yield to your goals.

16. There are many things in life that you don't want to do but can't do. This is responsibility; there are many things in life that you want to do but can't do. This is destiny.

17. Everyone has their own way of living. Don’t care too much about other people’s eyes, otherwise it will disturb your mind. Everyone has their own way to go. Don’t care too much about other people’s remarks, otherwise they will leave. Wrong your own path.

18. Life is such a process of awakening. The world unfolds to us layer by layer. The confused face at this moment will become clear the next moment; those who cannot be forgiven at this moment will be forgiven at the next moment; the facts that cannot be accepted at this moment will become easier the next moment. understand.

19. When others treat you well, you have to live up to your expectations so that you will be able to repay them in the future. When others treat you badly, you have to live up to your expectations so that one day you can be proud and proud.

Twenty, Wukong are encountered on the way to seek scriptures, Bajie are encountered on the way to seek scriptures, Monk Sha is encountered on the way to seek scriptures, White Dragon Horse is also encountered, so you must meet someone who can go with you all the way. People, you have to get on your way first!

21. Life is a road with infinite forks. Everyone has to make choices constantly, and different choices will inevitably create different lives. In fact, there is no real good or bad choice in every fork in the road, because every period of life is our own unique choice.