Author of the article: Taofa Nature writer Lu Yao has a very inspiring passage: Everyone has an awakening period, but the sooner or later the awakening determines a person's destiny. People are far more naive and stronger than they think. When I was about to be unable to go on, a

Author of the article: Daofa Natural

Writer Lu Yao A very inspiring passage: Everyone has an awakening period, but the sooner or later the awakening determines a person's destiny.

People are far more naive than they think, and they are also far stronger than they think.

When I can no longer go on, when I look back, I realize that I have taken so many detours, which has led to my current "desperation."

Any responsibility that I evaded before will be taken double, or even multiple times. The price comes to you.

When you repay the price, the responsibility you bear also comes. You suddenly find that you are so fragile, so powerless, and feel that you are facing collapse all the time.

Fortunately, many people can be strong and "awaken" in the midst of collapse. This kind of awakening is called: the awakening of life.

It should be said that there are two lives in human life: one is after birth; the second is after "awakening". After awakening, life will usher in explosive growth, the sooner the better.

1. The Awakening of Life

From the moment you start taking responsibility, you are no longer qualified to be young.

When you are young, you can escape from many things, but from the day you start taking responsibility, you suddenly find that you are no longer qualified to be young. The qualifications are young.

The pressure of life can always make people grow. The pressure of life can always wake up a sleeping person, and the pressure of life can also make a person "awaken" in an instant.

People who have never "awakened" will always live in "darkness".

Life will become darker from the moment of "awakening", but fortunately, after passing through the darkness, life will definitely usher in infinite light!

Before everything gets better, we will always have to go through some unhappy days, suffer a lot, and shed a lot of tears.

But no matter what, it is much better to understand than not to understand. The most rare thing in life is to live truthfully and soberly.

From the moment of awakening, life will be completely new!

2. The ultimate value of life lies in the ability to awaken and think, not just in survival.

To say that before "awakening" is just survival, after "awakening" is the beginning of real life.

really likes a sentence I saw on the Internet before: when others are smart, we are stupid and dumb; when others are exhausted and falling into decadence, our souls are enlightened and our eyes are dim. "

This may also mean: kind people are late bloomers.

Don't regret your late maturity. The real masters have experienced childishness, hypocrisy, and failure. Then they think about it, correct it, and change it. Transformation is a process of cultivation.

Zeng Guofan once said: There is no chance of good times in youth; no leisure in middle age;

The awakening of middle-aged people is the most fortunate thing, and it must be experienced neither sooner nor later. Being young and ushering in the "awakening" of middle age will definitely create a happy old age.

From the moment of "awakening", you will feel the true meaning of life, and you will truly work hard for yourself, simply. Live the rest of the day for yourself.

3. People who wake up will fall in love with being alone.

Schopenhauer said: A person can only become himself when he is alone!

People who wake up will fall in love with being alone. When you work hard alone, you no longer feel lonely!

The most rare thing in life is to do what you want to do seriously, live the life you want, and live not for others to see.

Before we "awaken", we are all. To follow the crowd in order to cater to others; to deceive oneself and others by overestimating one's capabilities for the sake of hypocrisy; to waste time in ineffective social interactions!

A man is a man who is not pretentious when it is time to make money, and is not frivolous when it is time to spend money. The way it should be.

Every day when you don’t dance is the biggest disappointment in life! If you fall in love with solitude, you can completely change yourself, and if you change yourself, you can create a new world.

Anyone who wants to play life will achieve nothing. Anyone who cannot dominate himself will always be a slave. -- Goethe


Waking yourself up is the most difficult thing!

The saddest thing in life is that you are ambitious but waste your time; you are not smart enough but are used to procrastinating; you are not well-educated but do not work hard; you are not satisfied with yourself but comfort yourself.

If this is the case, it is time to "awaken" and it is time to change yourself.

Temporary failure in life is not scary, nor is temporary confusion. What is rare is being able to "wake up" oneself in time.

people, the thing they fear most is not being able to position themselves correctly. I have a dream of Red Mansions, but I live in the world of Water Margin; I want to make friends with Taoyuan brothers from the Three Kingdoms, but I always encounter monsters and ghosts from Journey to the West.

A person’s second life: starts from the day of awakening!


Tao follows nature—carrying forward the essence of traditional culture and spreading the classic wisdom of Chinese studies.

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