It's painful when you miss someone. Missing someone is sweet. Missing someone is sour. Love that can't stop is astringent. With me, you are like a green plum, sweet and sour, bitter and astringent. It is the reluctance to hold it in the palm of your hand, the endless aftertaste i

Missing someone is painful. Missing someone is sweet. Missing someone is sour. Love that can't stop is astringent. With me, you are like a green plum, sweet and sour, bitter and astringent. It is the reluctance to hold it in the palm of your hand, the endless aftertaste in your mouth, and the deep-rooted lovesickness that melts into the bottom of your heart.

Tonight I want to collect some pictures that touch my heart, and then browse them in my dreams. If there is lavender in the picture, I will definitely smell its fragrance in my dream. If there is a bird resting in the picture, I will whisper to it in my dream, telling it who likes me and who I like. If there is a stream in the picture, I will build a thatched house next to the stream, plant a tree of flowers, and wait for the person I love to pass by. If he is tired and rests under a tree, I will call the wind and let the petals flutter all over his shoulders, creating a rain of petals. Then secretly looked at him smiling in surprise. If he is thirsty and begs for water, I will make tea from the stream and add a drop of honey brewed by love flowers, and then he will never forget me.

I want to calm down and write a poem for you on a night like this. In the poem, there are the dark eyebrows of distant mountains surrounded by clouds and mist, the clear breeze and bright moon accompanied by flower paths, and the pastoral thatched cottages with flowing streams. There's you and there's me. You paint a picture of rain falling on banana trees and a little joy. I attach a red, fat, green, thin and rouged face. The rhyme of the poem is my breath, and the character of the poem is your eyebrows. You smile warmly in your dream, I'm secretly watching from here.

I fell asleep in uneasy sadness and woke up in bright joy. Because I stole the fragrance of a flower in the dark night, I know that dreams with you are sweet. Only then did I realize that there is love in my heart, love around me, and there are people to be happy with. It is already the most beautiful time in life. that's enough. Good morning, my dream. Good morning my love. No matter you are a grass or a flower, you just appear in my life. What sways in the wind is your silent grace. What smiles warmly is your quiet tenderness. I stopped and leaned down to talk to you with my heart. Those little bits of joy that grow secretly will whisper to you, in May, the love will not diminish, and we will never forget each other. Thank you for your love blooming brightly in my eyes.

Take the green waves of the lake into your arms and let the grievances settle. Sit and watch spring bloom on your brows, twirling a wisp of spring color and holding a bouquet of flowers, throwing a bright smile into the world of mortals, letting your thoughts drift through time, and the fruits of those lovesickness will be rich and full in your heart season after season. For the last time, I will roll ink with bare hands, cut out a bunch of new words, and attach a piece of tenderness to you. Let those words that are full of color because of you fall into the sea of ​​my heart and be submerged. Even if the waves are stormy, even if the tide never stops rising, I will never mention it again.

A word of longing, a word of apology and regret that I only heard after many years, still makes my eyes red, my thoughts confused, and my heart hurt. What is choking is not only the frivolous love of youth, but also the past of our mutual friendship. If possible, please don't use your tears to dye my bright time with sadness. To you, I am just a passerby. If you accidentally walk into an alley, learn to turn around to survive. If there is some love that you can't get and can't let go of, then find another way to exist, and then there will be a turn for the better. Trying to get into trouble will only make the results worse. If you learn to be flexible, you may have different results.

Some people give you affection, but they don’t give you love sincerely. Some people give you sincerity, but cannot give you love. Some people give you affection and sincerity, but they cannot give you love. Some people give you affection and love, but they don't give you sincerity. Love, sincerity, and love are all given to you, which is the true and most perfect love. Maybe you will say that this kind of love is too luxurious, but love itself is a luxury product, isn't it? If there is such a person, he is willing to stand up and speak for you when you are surrounded by enemies from both sides and protect you from the wind and rain. It is truly a very touching and cherishable warmth.

Growth is actually a process that needs to be swallowed. Experience hardships in ups and downs. After meeting, swallow the pain of turning away and leaving. When you look forward to it, swallow the pain of waiting. When you are in love, swallow the turmoil of quarrels and suspicions.Swallow the worries of loneliness and emptiness when you are lonely, swallow the tears of sorrow and sorrow when you are sad, swallow those things you like but can’t get, swallow those things you don’t like but have to accept... When you learn to swallow all kinds of bad emotions , learned to always smile when faced with difficulties. You will eventually grow into a strong person called a strong person. Forbearance will make your heart stronger. If you are not defeated by setbacks or difficulties, you will have the confidence and ability to realize your dreams and have the opportunity to create a better tomorrow.

There are only two kinds of people in this world who are ridiculous, one is yourself and the other is others. So, don't laugh at others, because if you are not careful, you will become a joke in the eyes of others. Even an ordinary dinner among friends seems to be full of struggle. On the surface, it seems calm, but secretly it is turbulent. Handsomeness and beauty are not the main characters. What men strive for is aura and magnanimity. Women strive for temperament, appearance and personality. Children compete for cuteness and favorability. There are always winners and losers in wars, so we must constantly improve our self-cultivation and conduct, improve our quality of life, and maintain our own style and personality. You must have a positive attitude towards life that refuses to admit defeat and does not bow your head, so as not to fall behind and others, and avoid being defeated by others and life.