Rather than care about everything in this life, it is better to be confused. Instead of arguing and arguing, it is better to be calm. Instead of pursuing hard, it is better to learn to be content. For decades in life, worries are often about money. Living in poverty is not pitiab

In this life,

it is better to be confused than to care about everything.

Instead of arguing and arguing, it is better to be calm.

Instead of pursuing hard, it is better to learn to be content.

After decades of life, worries are often about money.

Poverty is not a pitiable life, health and disease-free is a blessing.

itself is the price of gold, how can you envy the sweet life of others.

Having no worries about food, clothing, housing and transportation, contentment is the happiest thing.

It’s easier to travel when you have more friends. How can you have friends if you have no value?

If you are so poor that you have no one to care about you in the mountains, you are so rich that you have distant relatives in the mountains.

Only if we work hard and have value can we be appreciated by more people.

Old people often say that you use your life to exchange for money in the first half of your life, and you use money to exchange for your life in the second half of your life.

In this life, life is given by our parents. We should be grateful to our parents, but health belongs to us. Only when you are healthy can you seize your own life, work hard, and better seize your own happiness.

hopes that everyone who reads the article will understand that "contentment is always happiness", good people have a healthy life, and good people have peace throughout their lives.