Today is my grandma’s memorial day. Time flies so fast. More than ten years have passed in the blink of an eye. I am writing this article to commemorate her.

Today is my grandma’s memorial day. Time flies so fast. More than ten years have passed in the blink of an eye. I am writing this article to commemorate her. A person should never forget his roots. Grandma's kindness should always be kept in mind. Looking back on those days, we were in that warm land, enveloped by family affection, and loved a lot. Although we were poor and humble, we had a bright heart. We dreamed of the distant future and looked forward to the future. There is a lot to do, because we have great achievements. Grandma sheltered her while her mind was racing, but she didn't expect that now, when her body has gone home and her destiny has been determined, she will realize that yesterday's superficiality is really pitiful, and today's abjection is really pitiful. She is as panic-stricken as a bereaved dog. She has no merits in her body and is shy in her pocket. She feels deeply ashamed of herself. And Ti Ling, all of my contemporaries in the family were dazzling, had children, and lost their major life events at an early age, but I was the only one who determined to study, and was expected by the family. Time flies by, and the years are wasted, and I achieve nothing, and again It is painful to lose the blooming years of life, to be alone, to be ridiculed and frivolous by others, and to be helpless and helpless, and for a moment I don’t know where I went wrong? The heart is higher than the sky, and the destiny is thinner than paper. If you plant flowers with intention, they will not bloom, but if you do not intend to plant willows, they will create shade. If I had known this, why would I do it in the first place?

I remember when I was a child, my eldest grandma often secretly brought me white-flour steamed buns because my family was poor and I didn’t have enough to eat. At that time, my family’s black buns were hard to swallow. Being able to eat white steamed buns was the greatest happiness. Grandma and my mother Well, I often visit my house. Seeing my grandma every day is like meeting my dearest person. Her gray hair and kind face are deeply imprinted in my mind. Every time I come here, she carries a big white steamed bun in her arms, like a life-saving Bodhisattva, slowly raising me up. This kindness will never be forgotten in my life. She has endless stories to tell, and she and her mother would spend most of the day chatting. I grew up in their enthusiastic, festive and peaceful atmosphere. Listening to my grandma telling many interesting stories about the past, her politeness and calmness often struck me as It reminds me that I am a fairy from heaven, enjoying the happiness of this world. I still remember that on a sunny spring day, she and her mother sitting on the loom were discussing the beautiful past. The sycamore flowers in the courtyard gave off a refreshing sweetness, and the black swallows were chirping, thinking about it again. Back at that time, the distance was mysterious, pregnant with hope and new life, waiting for those who were willing to try their skills. I grew up silently in that time. I still remember that on an autumn evening, my grandmother and I were standing under the big persimmon tree in the yard. The golden fruits shone brightly in the sun. My grandmother held me in her arms and admired the tree with a smile. This scene is like a painting. It would be great if there was a camera at that time. I will keep it forever.

My grandma is getting older and her walking is no longer stable. I often hold her hand and take her home. The journey is not far, only about a hundred meters. Sometimes after the rain, sometimes after the rain. This went on for a long time in the snow, until her eyes were blurred and she couldn't see the way to my house clearly. She was very anxious. Sometimes when we went to her house, she would ask me to hold her hand and lead her home. She felt depressed for a long time and wanted to talk to her mother. The relationship between them was incomparable. Sometimes she couldn't bear to leave when she came, so her mother would leave her at home to eat, and only let me take her back when it got dark. Later, she completely I couldn't see and couldn't walk, so I could only stay at home. My mother missed her too, so she took the initiative to come to chat with her. However, the eldest grandma was not welcomed by the aunt, so my mother gradually went there less and less, so as not to Make the aunt angry. Grandma has disappeared from my sight since then. Occasionally when I pass by her house, I will call her, and she will burst into tears with excitement, pull me in front of me, and keep touching her with her hands. On my face, I kept saying, "Be good, my child. What does it look like now that you've grown so big?" At this moment I will cry helplessly and wonder why people become blind. It would be great if someone could cure her eyes.I remember the last time she went to my house. The two of us walked for a long time for a distance of about 100 meters. The moment we walked in the door, my mother was so excited that she almost shed tears. This time was probably the last happy reunion in my grandma’s life. , she forgot the time, her worries, her own identity, and talked freely with her mother. She was so happy that she almost saw the light. Later, she had to go back, reluctant to leave. Life is like this, and she is often left behind. By myself, I felt deeply at that time.

Grandma has never been out since then. She lives in a side room by herself. Gradually, she can no longer take care of herself. She needs someone to take care of her food, drink, and toilet. I went to study far away and did not come back for a year. After a few times, the mother could not replace the aunt to take care of her. After all, she was not from the same family. If this continues, her health will deteriorate year by year. I was studying abroad and missed her very much. Whenever I came back during the holidays, I would visit her. Until my last year, when I was at home during the summer vacation, I wanted to see her, but she died before I could go. , I will never see her again.

The fourth day of June in the lunar calendar is her memorial day. More than ten years have passed, and the scenes of family love in the past are all engraved in my mind. It would be great if people would not grow old. Where is the distance she described? Isn't it just a beautiful paradise? There is no care, no hunger, no cold, no trivial matters in the world. There is only a flowery avenue leading to a bright and wise dojo. If there is kindness in the heart, there will eventually be a Zen where flowers bloom. bright. May grandma go to heaven, where her wishes will be fulfilled and she will gain endless happiness and joy.