The small county town ten years ago did not have such prosperity. There were only a few vehicles on the road, walking under the shade of trees, and classmates walking in groups. From the moment I walked out of the school gate, I felt like I was back.

After nine years of compulsory education, I took the last train to the county seat and started my high school career, and my youth also began here.

The small county town ten years ago did not have such prosperity. There were few vehicles on the road, walking under the shade of trees, and classmates walking in groups. From the moment I walked out of the school gate, I was back. I grew up in a rural area. Due to various reasons, I rarely came to the county town. This place seemed a bit strange at first.

At that time, mobile phones were not popular yet, and their functions were very simple, so for us, bookstores were a good place to go. Of course, every boy’s favorite was Internet cafes. After all, games are still very attractive. I don’t know if it’s because of my parents’ education or something else, but I’m actually very interested in online games. Every time I go to an Internet cafe, I go with my classmates. While they are playing games, I’m actually watching TV and playing at most one. Violent motorcycles have never been cleared. The only two times I stayed up all night in high school, I didn't sleep at all. I actually stayed up all night watching TV and variety shows. It's unimaginable.

The high school has moved to a new campus. It is outside the county seat and is still a certain distance from the city. Although the bookstore I like is on the same road as the school, it happens to be at both ends. Because of the sufficient time, every time We all walk there, and the 2.5-kilometer journey takes almost half an hour. It was a two-story building. The first time I went there was when I was in the first year of high school. I can still remember the layout inside. On the first floor, there are a lot of extracurricular reading materials. This is a paradise for a child who has loved reading since childhood. He spends several hours in front of the bookshelf every time, reading books that interest him. History, suspense, unsolved mysteries, etc., everything is of interest to you.

and his first level 3 Rubik's Cube were purchased here. At that time, the school was very popular in restoring the Rubik's Cube. There were several masters in almost every class. Using the most original formula, they could actually break through 30 seconds. Look now. It is also a miracle. I remember clearly that a classmate in our class secretly practiced the Rubik's Cube in class. In the end, he broke the axis of the Rubik's Cube and scattered the plastic pieces all over the floor. Then he went to the window outside the classroom for an hour, plus a 1,000-word essay. experience card. The second floor of

is filled with test paper tutorials, from elementary school to high school. They are all available. I remember that the first thing I bought was a copybook. I was determined to write well, but even now I am still no better than a dog crawling. After reaching the third year of high school, I spent more time going to bookstores. I bought several small books on college entrance examination knowledge points from some places. They should be called Zhang Zhongbao. They are very exquisite. I took them home after graduating from high school.

During the Chinese New Year, I walked into this bookstore again after five or six years. Although it had opened several branches, the layout of the bookstore was completely different. All the books I liked had reached the second floor that day. After shopping in the bookstore for a long time, it was very comfortable to stay in that small world. Finally, I bought a copy of "The First Half" by Liu Jianhong, which is a very good book. I hope to go to the bookstore again next time I go home.